Wyndham Health, Homelessness and Housing (H3) Alliance

The H3 Alliance is a partnership of health, housing and homelessness service providers working collectively within the Wyndham City Council municipality, in a place-based approach to address issues that lead to housing vulnerability for the Wyndham community. The H3 Alliance recognises that homelessness is often the result of multiple and intersecting causes so we use a Collective Impact Model to maximise our resources, collaborating and innovating to impact systems and outcomes.

H3 Alliance Vision: The H3 Alliance is a respected voice. Leading the way by collaborating to improve outcomes in health, homelessness and housing across Wyndham.

H3 Alliance Mission: We improve outcomes by advocating for and trialling, proactive and informed approaches to support people currently at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness across Wyndham.

Each member organisation brings expertise and experience to the collective partnership. Wyndham City Council provides the local area coordination and backbone support for the H3 Alliance.

What can I do if I notice someone who may be sleeping rough in Wyndham?

Council recognises the rights of all community members to use public spaces while recognising our responsibility to ensure we have a safe and peaceful community. There is no enforcement with respect to homelessness. Enforcement will only apply where a law (local or state) has been or is being breached. Examples of this include illegal or criminal activity, at which point this becomes a Victoria Policing matter.

Our approach to people experiencing homelessness is guided by the principles of ‘Victoria’s Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities’ where people are treated with care, respect, safety and dignity at all times regardless of their circumstances.

If you are concerned for someone who might be sleeping rough in Wyndham, you can notify Council of the location by calling our Customer Service Team on 1300 023 411 or our Community Connectors via Community Connector.

If you feel the person may be of danger to themselves or others, or they have children under the age of 18 years old with them, please call 000.

What happens after the rough sleeping notification has been made?

Council requests that the H3 Alliance Rough Sleeper Outreach Program visit the location and engage with the person to offer housing and other support services.

I’m currently experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless, where can I get help?

Unison is the central access point in Wyndham for people seeking homelessness and seeking housing support.

Call Unison on 9216 0300 or visit their office at 70 Cottrell Street, Werribee between Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm.

Visit Unison’s website for more information about what they can offer including the Private Rental Assistance Program.

Call 1800 825 955 outside of business hours to be connected to the nearest open crisis support services.

As part of the H3 Alliance there are a range of other specialist service providers that may be able to assist with mortgage stress, food relief, family violence, financial counselling and debt management, mental health support, drug and alcohol matters and gambling help.

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What is Council doing in response to homelessness?

Wyndham City Council is committed to working in partnership with the H3 Alliance, State and Federal Governments to increase the diverse and affordable housing options across Wyndham to meet the community’s needs.

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