NAIDOC WEEK, 7 – 14 July

NAIDOC Week celebrations are held around Australia in July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Winter Street Party 2024

See Werribee light up with fire shows and light installations, street performers, music, ice sculpting, kids’ activities and more.

Kids Holiday Activities

Learn about simple methods of recycling and sustainability at home with the House that Charlie Built. Enjoy a crazy fairytale show full of laughter. Participate in drawing and storytelling workshops, get crafty with fun activities and more! 

The Strand Off-leash Dog Park

Point Cook residents are in for a treat as a brand new off-leash dog park is set to become a favourite destination for both pups and their owners.

Road Reconstructions

Over 2023/24 Wyndham City will invest $8.4 million to rebuild local roads throughout the municipality.

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WYNtalk Cultural Yarn with Uncle Pakana

Wyndham City is delighted to be hosting the annual free WYNTalk: Cultural Yarn with Uncle Charles Pakana, a Journey to Reconciliation: Finding Our Voice.
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