Bookmark Competition 2024

Thank you to everyone who entered our Design a Library Bookmark Competition! We are pleased to announce the winners Saanvi and Rudran. Keep an eye out for their bookmarks available in the Library soon!

Here are our two happy winners proudly showing off their designs.

the two winners of the bookmark competition, holding their entries

All bookmarks recieved online are displayed on the gallery here. All hardcopy designs submitted are on display at Point Cook Library.

Rudran- Bookmark winner - 2024


Rudran's inspiration for the design was the theme "Reading is Magic." He incorporated Aboriginal symbols, person symbols, and the seven colors of the rainbow to represent different subjects. His goal was to celebrate the magic of reading and its ability to encompass a vast array of knowledge and cultural significance. Additionally, as someone who is fond of animals, Rudran added unique features and detailing to make the design special.











Saanvi - bookmark winner


Saanvi was inspired to create this bookmark because “I wanted to mix my favorite animals, a bear and an owl together. I thought it would be fun to add some magic, so I made the owl look like a book and the bear popping out of a witch's brew. Then, I added lots of bright colors to make it special!”

Terms and conditions

Bookmark Competition Terms and Conditions

  1. This competition is run by Wyndham City Council (‘Council’) in the state of Victoria, Australia only.
  2. By submitting an entry to this competition on behalf of your child, you:

    a) confirm that you are the entrant’s parent or legal guardian (‘parent’);
    consent to your child entering this competition; and
    c) accept these terms and conditions of entry.

  3. Entries which do not comply with these terms and conditions will not be valid and will not be accepted.
  4. Entrants must be aged between 5 and 12 and must live, study or socialise in Wyndham.  Council staff, Councillors and their immediate families are not eligible to enter.
  5. The competition opens at 12:01am on 19 August 2024 and closes at 11:59pm on 7 October 2024 (‘competition period’).  Entries received outside of the competition period will not be accepted.
  6. To enter the competition, during the competition period you must:

    a) upload an image of your child’s completed bookmark and submit a properly completed entry form via Council’s website; or
    b) submit your child’s completed bookmark and properly completed hard copy entry form at a Wyndham City Libraries branch during opening hours.

  7. Entries must:

    a) be created using the template available in hard copy at Wyndham City Libraries branches or online via Council’s website
    b) be drawn by hand and must not include any digital art
    c) meet the competition theme of “reading is magic”; and
    d) not contain any offensive or inappropriate material or infringe a third party’s intellectual property rights.

  8. Only one entry per entrant will be accepted.  Entries will not be returned at the end of the competition.
  9. The competition will be judged on 23 October 2024 by Council officers.  Entries will be judged based on originality, skill, artistic merit and adherence to the competition theme.  Two winners will be chosen: one winner from all entries in the 5-8 age group and one winner from all entries in the 9-12 age group.  The winners will each receive a beginners’ colour set of pencils, markers and pastels from Art Shed (valued at $68.65) and have their entry printed as a bookmark to be distributed for free at Council’s libraries.
  10. Winners’ parents will be contacted by email by 5:00pm on23 October 2024 and winners will subsequently be announced on the Libraries in Wyndham Facebook page and on Council’s website.  You consent to the publication of your child’s name in connection with the announcement of the competition winners.
  11. If a winner’s parent cannot be contacted by 5:00pm on 30 October 2024, Council may opt to conduct further judging to determine a new winner.
  12. If a prize has not been claimed by 5:00pm on 6 November 2024, the winner will be deemed to have surrendered the prize and Council may opt to conduct further judging to award the unclaimed prize.
  13. Council may, on claiming of their prize, require the winner’s parent to provide evidence of the winner’s identity and/or that they live, study or socialise in Wyndham.
  14. You acknowledge that your child retains copyright in their entry.
  15. You grant Council a perpetual and royalty-free licence to

    a) print your child’s entry (in whole or in part) on 1,000 bookmarks to be distributed for free at Council’s libraries to members of the public; and
    b) upload your child’s entry (in whole or in part) to Council’s website and the Libraries in Wyndham Facebook page for the purposes of promoting the competition.

  16. You acknowledge and agree that your child’s name, as provided in their entry form, may also be printed or published in connection with the use of their entry as specified in condition 15.
  17. You indemnify and hold harmless Council, its councillors and employees against all costs, claims and liability arising in connection with a breach or potential breach of these terms and conditions.
  18. Prizes are not transferable, exchangeable or redeemable for cash.
  19. Council accepts no responsibility for late, lost, incomplete or invalid entries.
  20. If for any reason the competition cannot be run as planned, Council reserves the right to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the competition and/or amend these terms and conditions.
  21. Council’s decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.
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