The community is invited to vote on two names proposed for the Regional Football Facility, which incorporates a Reserve and Pavilion and is located at the Wyndham Stadium Precinct in Tarneit.

The vote follows community consultation undertaken in September, when participants were asked their preferred geographic naming theme and proposed name for the Reserve and Pavilion.

Wyndham City’s Active City Portfolio holder, Councillor Peter Maynard, said feedback identified the preferred naming theme for both the Reserve and Pavilion as 'linking the name to a place’.

“The proposed names to be voted on are: Davis (Davis Park and Davis Pavilion) or Ironbark (Ironbark Fields and Ironbark Pavilion),” he said.

“These names are based on suggestions made by community members during the first round of engagement that are compliant with Geographic Names Victoria naming rules as well as additional names suggested by Council officers for consideration.”

“Davis is derived from an early farmer in the area, Septimus Davis – we have a road and creek named after him, while ‘Ironbark’ refers to the eucalyptus tree native to Victoria.”

The Wyndham Stadium Precinct covers 63 hectares and includes a Regional Football Facility that is under construction and when complete will feature state-of-the-art training facilities including three pitches, a two-storey pavilion and capacity for 5,000 spectators.

For more information and to provide your feedback by 18 February visit:  

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