Did you know you can use gardening to cool your home? Using vines and trees around your home can shade your home this summer and reduce your cooling costs. In this workshop Melbourne gardener - Craig Castree will provide some great ideas to use gardening to reduce your energy.

Craig Castree is an award-winning Horticulturist of 45 years’ experience at growing his own food organically and creating edible gardens. He is a Published author 5 books all pointed toward being self sufficient on an urban block. You will have no doubt seen him on channel 7TWO on Vasilis Garden as one of the regular presenters, or heard him speaking on 3AW, and on 88.3 Southern FM. Now see him speak live on edible gardening and how you could be producing your own food organically on an urban block, using companion planting, and in small spaces.

Wyndham City is a participating Council of My Smart Garden a free sustainable gardening program that helps you get started growing food and transforming your outdoor space (yards, balconies or pots) into a beautiful, functional garden. To find out more visit: https://www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/services/environment-sustainability/sustainable-living/my-smart-garden


Date and time
Green Living - Karolina Kubiak




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