Coastcare Point Cook meet at the Point Cook Homestead monthly with a variety of outdoor gardening activities to suit every age and ability. Bring along your family to help with the activities and stay for a cuppa afterwards in the historic Homestead.

With a hands-on approach this community group is making a difference through a focus on preserving and enhancing natural, Indigenous and European heritage. Each month some of the community gathers to tidy the heritage gardens within the Point Cook Homestead boundary. Other volunteers choose to tackle the invasive weed species smothering the significant native habitat in the Wetlands Walk area.

The Wetlands Walk is currently being revegetated with help from a local secondary school and Coastcare volunteers. There is a task to suit every ability and interest. Our group is evolving so if you have a personal project that you would like to work on this could be an option too. Volunteers then finish the morning with a cuppa in the Homestead and a walk along the beach exploring the rock pools and enjoying the view across the bay to the Melbourne CBD.

Date and time
Upcoming events:

Point Cook Coastal Park, 1 Homestead Entrance Rd, Point Cook.

Kellie Jackson



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