Active Wyndham

Welcome to the Active Wyndham Calendar - sharing free and low-cost physical activity sessions that you, your family and friends can enjoy in your local area

Sessions include a variety of sports and physical activities delivered by local Wyndham providers and organisations. Sessions are tailored for most experience and fitness levels and are beginner friendly. The activity providers are responsible for ensuring the safety of classes and members of the community. Always take part at a level that is suitable to your health and fitness, if you have any health concerns please consult your GP before exercising.

Some sessions are specific to an age group, others may have limited availability, click on each session for full details.

The Active Wyndham Calendar aims to help Wyndham residents to achieve the government's physical activity guidelines for good physical and mental health. To find out more please visit the Australian Government's Physical activity and exercise guidelines page.

Want to be the first to hear about new sessions? Sign up to the monthly Active Wyndham eNewsletter.

Are you a local provider wanting to deliver sessions or add your existing events/sessions? Please complete the online form or contact the Sport & Recreation team for dedicated support on 1300 023 411 or

Active Wyndham Sessions

Community Provider Sessions -Children and Young People (up to 25 years)

Community Provider Sessions - Adults and Older Adults

Content On Demand

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