Read with me

What is Read With Me?

Read With Me is a program where primary school aged children can practise their reading. During each session our Education Librarians will guide your child's reading and recommend new authors and books for them to try.

Please note, this is not a tutoring program.

Who can attend?

  • Children aged 6 - 12 years, or
  • Children in Grade Prep - Year 6

How does it work?

Read With Me Online is run online using MS Teams.

You will automatically be sent a MS Teams meeting link when you book into a session. You will receive a new link for each session you book into. Please ensure you are using the most recent link. 

Additionally, note: 

  • you do not have to have a MS Teams account to access this program.
  • for maximum benefit, please sign in using a computer or laptop. 

Key dates and bookings

  • Read With Me runs during the school term.
  • Bookings open 1 week before term begins.
  • Each session runs for 15 minutes.
  • Open to families in Wyndham only.
  • One session per child per week.

Please be advised that missing two or more sessions in the term will lead to the cancellation of all remaining sessions.

Due to high demand for this program, please do not book more than one session per week and no more than 5 sessions across the service per term. This will enable more Wyndham families to access this program.

Book Now

Please contact the Education and Youth Services Team on (03) 8734 8999 if you have any access requirements to participate in this program.

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