At the 19th December 2023 Council meeting, Council adopted the Wyndham Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy 2023 (December 2023). This Strategy represents an update to the Wyndham Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy 2018 adopted by Council on 7 August 2018.
The process to prepare an updated Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy (HNCS) commenced in 2021. The overarching objective was to implement a contemporary residential planning framework consistent with the most up-to-date Victorian State Government Planning Practice Notes 90 (Planning for Housing), 91 (Using Residential Zones) and 43 (Understanding Neighbourhood Character) and carry forward the main elements of the adopted Wyndham Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy 2018.
General community engagement on the updated draft 2023 HNCS occurred over a four-week period from 14 August until 10 September 2023. Engagement reports on the Strategy are available on the Loop website.
The Wyndham Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy 2023 (December 2023) proposes a 15-year plan to manage housing growth and change across the municipality and builds on previous versions exhibited for community consultation in 2015 and 2018. It aligns with Council’s community vision and state government policy as detailed in Planning Practice Notes 90, 91 and 43. The Housing Framework Plan (HFP) has been updated following feedback from the community and key state government stakeholders, and submissions from site-specific landowners and property developers.
The complete revised Wyndham Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy 2023 (December 2023) was adopted by Council on 19th December 2023 with resolution:
That Council:
- Note the findings from the draft Wyndham Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy community engagement process held from July to September 2023.
- Adopt the Wyndham Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy 2023 (December 2023) (H&NCS) that includes a final Housing Framework Plan (HFP). The HFP has been amended following feedback from the community, stakeholder engagement (including external and internal stakeholders) and to ensure alignment with state government and Council planning policy and strategic plans.
- Note that a planning scheme amendment is required to incorporate the H&NCS into the Wyndham Planning Scheme, including new schedules to the residential zones to provide policies and standards on neighbourhood character.
- Note that a Council report on a proposed planning scheme amendment will be provided to Council in early 2024.
View the livestream recording of the meeting and meeting agenda and supporting documents.
Next Steps
Planning scheme amendment
The next stage of implementation for the Wyndham Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy 2023 (December 2023) is to prepare a planning scheme amendment to incorporate it into the Wyndham Planning Scheme.
A key element of the planning scheme amendment will be to prepare schedules to the residential zones to provide policies and standards on the different neighbourhood character precincts in Wyndham’s residential areas. Policies and standards will address matters such as setbacks, building heights, open space and landscaping.
At their meeting on 27th August, Council resolved to:
1. Seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare and exhibit Planning Scheme Amendment C273wynd to implement the Wyndham Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy 2023 into the Wyndham Planning Scheme.
2. Prepare and give notice of the amendment in accordance with the Minister’s authorisation and relevant sections of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
3. Authorise the Director of Planning and Liveability to make minor amendments to planning scheme documentation prior to public exhibition.
The draft amendment documentation to implement the Strategy has been sent to the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) for Ministerial Authorisation. If authorisation is received, Council will exhibit the amendment and invite the community to make written submissions.
Exhibition of amendment
Subject to the processes above, exhibition of the amendment is expected to occur in early 2025 and all documentation will be on exhibition for a 5-week period. During the exhibition period there will be a formal opportunity for individuals to make submissions on the amendment and all proposed planning scheme controls.
A report will be submitted to Councillors following exhibition where all written submissions will be considered. Any submission that objects to the amendment or seeks a change that Council is unable to resolve will be referred to a Planning Panel. The Panel will conduct a public hearing and report back to Council with recommendations.
Should you have any questions about the Wyndham Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy please contact Council’s Strategic Planning and Property Department on 1300 023 411 or
Read the final strategy
- Wyndham Housing & Neighbourhood Character Strategy - Part 1
- Wyndham Housing & Neighbourhood Character Strategy - Part 2
- Wyndham Housing & Neighbourhood Character Strategy - Part 3