Small children and parents playing with Duplo at Williams Landing

Play is fun! And when children play they are learning and developing.

Play also helps your child:

  • build confidence
  • feel loved, happy and safe
  • understand more about how the world works
  • develop social skills, language and communication
  • learn about caring for others and the environment
  • and develop physical skills.

Play is such an important part of a child’s life that it is included in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child:

"Every child has the right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts”

Article 31, United Nations Convention on the rights of the Child (UNRC).

Different types of play

Play can be planned and structured, or unstructured free-play, indoors or outdoors, in a group or as a solo activity. Play can be messy, quiet, loud, physical and imaginative. It’s important for children to experience many different types of play.

Unstructured play could be creative play, open-ended imaginative games, or exploring.

Structured play is organised and planned, and could include a board game or ball game, swimming lessons, dance classes, or a visit to the Library for Rhyme Time or Story Time.

For more information on play, check out Why play is important from

Play in the Library

a small child plays with the sensory wall at Tarneit library

Children are welcome to play in the Library! Each Wyndham City Library branch has a different range of play spaces, activities, and toys to use in the library. Some have toys, play sets, and games to borrow at the front desk, and some have sensory walls, toys and activities set up in the Children’s area. Check out your local branch and speak to library staff for more information.

Play Ideas and Resources

If you’re looking for play ideas, check out Wyndham City Library’s collection for lots of resources you can borrow.

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The “Australian parenting website” has many ideas for play for children of all ages, it’s ad-free, contains videos and articles, and is backed by Australian experts. It also has many resources available in languages other than English.


STEAM Play Ideas

STEAM play focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Maths. Here are some ideas for STEAM play at home.

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