Do you love a good book? Our Children’s Librarians do! And we’re excited to share some great recommendations with you. This page gets updated regularly with reviews of the latest books we’ve been reading.

Splat! The most exciting artists of all time. Mary Richards

Cover image of Splat: the most exciting artists of all time
Badge stating Reviewed by Sandra, children's librarian

I’ve always enjoyed learning about art and different art styles. This books gives us information on different art movements, at styles and famous artists throughout history. It describes the artists life, challenges they faced throughout their life, how they created their art and includes images of their artworks. One of my favourite artworks is The Starry Night by Van Gogh. The colours used and the thick paint is very eye catching. The books gives us inspiration to make our own artwork. Did you know that Picasso used collage style in his art and cut out images and patterns from newspaper? This is a great way to include recycling in art! Pollock’s style of drip painting, where you drip and splash paint all over the canvas sounds like a lot of messy fun.

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Australian Awards

CBCA logo

CBCA Awards


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UK Awards

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The logo of the Children's Book Award UK

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USA Awards

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Caldecott Medal

The medal presented to National (US) book award winners

National Book Awards


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