Wyndham’s rural areas, and the biodiversity supported within them, are constantly under threat from highly invasive weeds and pest animals such as rabbits. To help address these threats, Wyndham City provides financial assistance and land management advice to rural land managers through the Land Protection Grant Scheme.
The aim of the Scheme is to equip landowners and land managers with the knowledge and incentive they require to implement sustainable land management practices and ensure biodiversity can thrive on their property. The Scheme is eligible to properties over four hectares in size and located in dry-land agricultural farming areas outside the Urban Growth Boundary.
Land management activities funded include weed and rabbit control, fencing of native vegetation and revegetation using native plant species. Land managers may choose to undertake weed control works themselves and receive a financial incentive of between $75 to $125 per hectare; or works can be undertaken by experienced contractors in which land managers are required to contribute 25% of costs, with Wyndham City providing the remaining 75%.
The program is ongoing and applications can be completed online. After applications have been received, Council officers visit participating properties to discuss grant options with the land manager.
Following the initial site visit, land managers who choose to undertake their own works receive a weed management plan outlining which weed species to target and goals for reduction; while land managers who choose the contractor option are visited by one or more qualified contractors who provide quotes, the most competitive winning the work. Works are only undertaken once all parties have signed agreements defining work standards to be attained.
Lodge a Land Protection Grant Scheme application form
For further information contact Wyndham City on 1300 023 411.