Council shares public notices to inform the community about important Wyndham matters.
View the latest public notices for Council meetings, general notifications, property matters and other information below.
Annual Community Satisfaction Survey 2024-2025
Wyndham City has engaged Metropolis Research to conduct its Annual Community Satisfaction Survey beginning 2 November 2024 through to 8 December 2024 and recommencing 11 January 2025 to 8 February 2025. This will be a door-to-door survey conducted in person.
All local governments in Victoria are required to conduct an Annual Community Satisfaction Survey to help understand community needs and to measure satisfaction with a range of Council services. This information informs Council’s planning, service delivery and policy development.
Metropolis Research staff will conduct the in-person surveys in an interviews style with randomly selected households across Wyndham. The survey methodology ensures respondents reflect the diverse Wyndham community.
Surveys will take place during daylight hours and are expected to take approximately 15 minutes. Metropolis Research staff will first provide residents identification authorising them to undertake the survey on behalf of Council and a letter of authorisation from Council.
The information residents provide will be kept confidential and will not be used for any other purpose. Thank you for your participation in the survey.
For further information, contact or 1300 023 411.
Proposing to name a currently unconstructed service road that will service the Werribee Police Station and the future law courts in Wyndham
Wyndham City Council is proposing to name a currently unconstructed service road that will service the Werribee Police Station and the future law courts in Wyndham, including a Koori Court. This road will run between the two buildings.
The road to be named, as highlighted green in the plan below, will have direct connection/entry from the Princes Highway and run through to the recently constructed and named Basalt Road. The road name proposed is tarrang biik Way.
Naming the road will allow for the smooth connection of infrastructure services (electricity, water etc.) as well as ensuring public safety by aligning the naming of the road with the operationalisation of the road.
During engagement between Court Services Victoria (CSV) and the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation (BLCAC) regarding development of the site, tarrang biik was identified as a name that links to place. The phrase means ‘woodlands’ and has been chosen to maintain the connection to Country.
As the responsible naming authority, Council is required to formally name the unnamed road in accordance with its Geographic Naming Policy 2023 and the Naming Rules for Places in Victoria 2022 (the naming rules).
This naming proposal meets the following requirements of the State Government's Naming Rules for Places in Victoria 2022.
- Principle 2(A) - Ensuring public safety
- Principle 2 (C) - Linking the name to a place
- Principle 2 (E) - Recognition and use of Traditional Owner languages.
The Naming Rules require a statutory public notification period of the proposed name.
For more information on the naming guidelines provided by the State Government, please go to or visit Council’s website at
Members of the public can provide feedback on the name by one of the following methods:
- Members of the public can provide feedback on the name by one of the following methods:
Email addressed to the Governance Policy and Projects Advisor and include “Geographic Naming Submission” in the email subject line.
Post at PO Box 197, Werribee Vic 3030 and include “Geographic Naming Submission” in the subject line of your letter
Phone on 1300 023 411
All submissions must be received by no later than COB 29 January 2025.
Wyndham Boatshed Management Policy 2024
Council is set to consider the adoption of the proposed Wyndham Boatshed Management Policy 2024, which includes further amendments following a review of the current policy. These changes resulted from the initial public consultation and Council has requested additional community consultation to ensure all stakeholders could provide feedback on the amended Policy document.
The review identified outdated legislation, guidelines, and inconsistencies in the current policy. The proposed amendments aim to align the policy with current legislation, guidelines, and regulations while promoting consistency across councils in their management of bathing boxes and boatsheds as Committees of Management (CoM).
Key updates include adjustments to annual licence fees and transfer fees, which have not been reviewed or increased for several years.
This is an opportunity for interested parties and stakeholders to review the proposed policy and provide their comments or feedback.