Wyndham City welcomes applications all types of events and activities held in Wyndham’s public open spaces.  

An Application to Hold a Function or Event on Council Land may be required for your event or activity if it is held on public open space that is managed by Council.

The event could be a festival, market, cinema, display, parade, cultural ceremony, private function, sporting competition, demonstration or other.

Completing the Application Form will enable Council to review the details of your event to advise if a permit is required, and in the event that it is, if any further documentation is required to be provided before a permit can be issued.

PLEASE NOTE that permit fee and security bond payments may be required to book your event, based on the information you provide.  These fees and charges are subject to change and will be provided upon application.

Applications that comply with the regulations for outdoor public gatherings will need to demonstrate how they will manage personal hygiene, sanitisation and social distancing restrictions in accordance with Victorian Government COVID Safe requirements.

An application for a permit is required when:

  • The number of attending persons is expected to exceed 50 at any one time and/or
  • Equipment or infrastructure is being brought onto the site. This includes but is not limited to mechanical and inflatable rides, food services, marquees, and stalls.

An Occupancy Permit for a Place of Public Entertainment may be required when:

  • Any structure, stage or platform exceeds 150msq OR
  • Any marquee or tent exceeds 100msq OR
  • Free standing seating exceeds 20 people OR
  • The event is fenced off or has gated entry OR
  • The event requires an entry fee or parking fee OR
  • Attendee numbers exceed 5000 persons at any one time

Please contact the building team on 1300 023 411 to discuss if a POPE is required.

Enquiries and applications for a POPE can be submitted to Building Services via mail@wyndham.vic.gov.au

Applications should be submitted in accordance with the timeframes as set out below:




Additional Information

Read the information below to find out more about additional permits that you may need to apply for or plans that you may need to submit during the planning period, the officer who assesses your application will assist you in making application for these permits.

Event Planning Guide

Wyndham City’s Events Team have produced a helpful resource to assist you to understand your obligations as an event organiser. You can download the Event Planning Guide here.

Site Plans

A detailed site plan is your most important planning tool. Find an aerial map on Google maps and use a program like power point to start overlaying information on it.
The map should show the whole area of the site you are planning to use and include the names of the main roads or streets surrounding the site.

The site plan should also include all the existing fences, buildings and temporary equipment that are on the site. You should show public and back of house areas and include the dimensions of temporary structures and equipment.


Risk Management

A Risk Assessment or Job Safety Analysis is an administrative process that identifies the hazards associated with your event or activity.  Hazards could include trips and slip, inclement weather, overcrowding and unsafe structures. The hazards are then ranked to assess their implications.

The next step in the process is to identify ways of eliminating or reducing the consequences of the hazards.  The City of Wyndham has developed a Risk Assessment template that is available for use.

First Aid Facilities

Depending on the size and scale or your event and the outcomes of your risk assessment you may need to provide accredited first aid officers at your event. The number of first aid officers and the facilities required will depends on the number of people at your event.

It is also a requirement of your Division 2 Occupancy Permit (POPE) that you provide a certain number of qualified first aid officers operating from a suitable area.
When planning a major event, notify Ambulance Victoria and first aid providers at least six months prior to your event date and one month for smaller scale events or activities.

Notification of events can be emailed to Ambulance Victoria: events@ambulance.vic.gov.au


Toilet Facilities

Depending on the size and scale of the event you may need to provide and service additional toilets at the event site.

The location that you are planning on using may have existing toilets that you can use, or these may not be available due to the general park users.

The officer assessing your application will advise you further on the requirement and type of toilets required for your event.

If you are required to apply for a PoPE permit additional toilets may be required.


Cleaning & Waste Management

Waste is generated during the setup, delivery and the pack up of an event or activity. You are expected to manage the waste generated by your event and leave the event site in a clean and tidy condition.

This means that you may have to provide additional bins and remove the waste during the event.  Professional cleaners may also have to be engaged.

Depending on the size and scale of your event or activity you may be asked to develop a Waste Management Plan as part of the Event Plan.



Certain temporary structures are classified under the Victorian Building Act 1993 as a Prescribed Temporary Structure ‘Siting Approval’.  

The purpose of the Siting Approval is to ensure that any prescribed temporary structures are suitable constructions for the proposed site and meet the minimum safety and evacuation Standards.

A Prescribed Temporary Structure may be any of the following:

  • Tents, marquees and booths, with a floor area greater than 100m2
  • Seating stands (grandstands) for more than 20 persons
  • Stages or platforms bigger than 150m2 in floor area
  • Prefabricated buildings exceeding 100m2 and not placed directly onto the ground
  • Inflatable movie screens

Prescribed Temporary Structures must be issued with an Occupancy Permit from the Victorian Building Authority.

The structures Occupancy Permit along with the Engineering Specifications for the structure are required to make application for ‘Siting Approval’ to City’s Municipal Building Surveyor. Once the structure is erected it will require an Engineering Certification.

Include the build and dismantle of these structures in your Risk Assessment.


Fencing and Ticketed Events

If your event is fenced and ticketed and provides public entertainment, then you may be required to apply for a Division 2 Occupancy Permit - commonly known as a POPE Permit.

A POPE Permit is required where:

  • Paid admission to the event by the way of an entry fee, i.e. ticket or donation
  • The area or site has an area greater than 500 square metres
  • The area is enclosed or substantially enclosed by fencing, structures, or natural features such as a road or river.

Some events that are organised by a 'community - based organisation' and where the number of persons attending the event at any one time does not exceed 5,000 people are not required to apply for a POPE Occupancy Permit.

A definition of a 'community - based organisation means a body, whether or not a corporate body that is not established primarily for the purpose of profit or gain made in the conduct of its activities to any members of the organisation and operates in a community wholly for benevolent purpose, including the promotion of art, culture, science, religion, education or charity.

Exemption example:

A public market conducted by a community service club (for example: a Rotary Club) where the number of persons attending the market at any one time did not exceed 5,000 would not require a POPE Permit.

Wyndham’s Municipal Surveyor will assess whether a Division 2 Occupancy Permit (POPE) is required based on the information provided in the Use of Public Space Application Form.

If you are required to apply for a PoPE permit you will also be required to engage a qualified safety officer during the hours that the public are on site


Power and generators

Include the operation of a generator in your Risk Assessment, including ensuring that the generator is behind a barrier, how it is refuelled and that it is earthed.

Determine what power supply is available on site and where it is located so you are aware if there is enough power on site to supply the events electrical requirements or if extra power such as a generator is required.

To find out what equipment needs power and how much power the equipment needs (3 phase, 10 amps etc), ask your vendors and contractors during the planning stage what their requirements are and log this information.

Your event's Risk Assessment should address how power is managed safely at the event.


Food or drink

Food operators are required to apply for registration via Foodtrader under the Food Act 1984. Foodtrader is an online system for businesses and community groups to register and notify Council of their temporary and mobile food premises with their registering council. A food or drink trader cannot operate at an event without registering with Foodtrader and receiving a Statement of Tradefor the event they are participating in.

To register for Streatrader visit https://streatrader.health.vic.gov.au/



The serving of alcohol may or may or may not be allowed on public land. If it is allowed, you will need to apply for additional permits from the Victorian Commission for Gambling & Liquor Regulations (VCLGR).

The Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 stipulates that any person selling or serving liquor needs to obtain the correct licence. Along with obtaining a licence from VCGLR, you may be required to apply for a Consumption of Alcohol in a Public Place Permit pursuant to Wyndham City’s Community Amenity Local Law (2023).

As part of your event planning you may also be required to develop a Liquor Management Plan, which defines the roles of security, trained RSA officers. Note that as part of the conditions of the license you may be required to abide by additional conditions and engage additional security guards.


Live or recorded music or performances

If your event program has recorded music or live artists performing music, then you must contact the Australian Performing Rights Association (APRA) to determine if you require a license. This is because music is protected by copyright law (Australian Copyright Act 1968).

This applies to programs that involve:

  • Public performances, broadcast or communication of music
  • The reproduction or recording of music for retail, personal or business purposes
  • The synchronisation of music with film or video in an audio-visual recording

To determine if your event requires an APRA license contact:

Depending on your entertainment Program you may be required to develop a Noise Management Plan

Pyrotechnics or fireworks

If you are planning on discharging pyrotechnics you need to ask permission from the landowner. If permission is received from the landowner then you must engage a licensed pyrotechnic company. The licensed pyrotechnician will then apply for the relevant permits from WorkSafe.

It is a requirement of the Dangerous Goods (Explosives) Regulations 2000 number 814 that pyrotechnicians are to notify authorities at least seven days before a fireworks display.  The WorkSafe permit application needs to be submitted and approved, and then distributed to Council and the Country Fire Authority (CFA).  
If the event is held during the Fire Danger Period, you must seek permission from the CFA for a schedule 14 permit.  If the event is likely to fall on a Total Fire Ban Day, then you will need to apply for a schedule 40 permit.  

If you are required to apply for a POPE Permit, you will need to include the pyrotechnics information in the application form.  

Fireworks and Pyrotechnics require a Communications and Safety Plan and the officer processing your application will provide you with direction in relation to this plan.

Mechanical or inflatable rides

Mechanical rides or amusement structures are described in the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 as ‘plant’ or ‘prescribed equipment’.

The owner of prescribed equipment must ensure that the rides are safe and without risks to injury. Operators must be suitably licensed and trained, and the equipment must be inspected and maintained.


Changes to traffic, roadways or parking

If your event uses or impacts roadways in and around the site, then you may need to apply for permission to temporarily change the use of the roadways.  This will involve engaging a Traffic Management Company to develop and implement a Traffic Management Plan in accordance with the Australian Standards. This plan is then provided to Wyndham City’s Engineering Unit for assessment.

Traffic Management Plans can be sent to trafficconcerns@wyndham.vic.gov.au

If you require access to parking bays you may be required to apply for permission to Occupy a Footpath/Nature Strip from Wyndham City’s Legislative Services Unit.  https://www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/services/local-laws-permits/laws-permits…

Before you engage a traffic management company or apply for permits, mark on a map the roads and parking bays that you plan to change or use and note the dates and times these changes could occur and submit this map along with you Use of Public Space Application.

Changes to traffic and parking require a Communications Plan and the officer processing your application will provide you with direction in relation to the contents of this plan.


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