Wyndham City offers a range of support to business owners. These include the services below that may be of particular interest to new starters.

Economic Development Strategy 2022-26

Economic Development Strategy 2022-26

Wyndham City will be a productive, liveable destination that promotes sustainable economic growth as the Capital of Melbourne’s New West.

Wyndham is Australia’s fastest growing municipality.

Competitively positioned between Melbourne CBD and Geelong with a unique city, coast and country destination offer, Wyndham City is on a major transformation journey seeing a decade of local economic growth, and forecasted trajectory.

From 2012 to 2021:

  • Population +87%
  • Gross regional product +106% (more than double the rate of the State of Victoria)
  • Number of businesses +135%
  • Local jobs +103%
  • Top 3 high growth sectors by output: real estate services, construction, agriculture
  • Top 3 high growth sectors by employment: Construction, healthcare, logistics
  • Non-residential building approvals in 2011-2020 were valued at $5.5 billion

Wyndham is home to more than 140,000 resident workers, 87,000 local jobs, and more than 23,000 businesses. The City is on a growth trajectory with the overall population growing to more than 500,000 by 2041. As Wyndham grows, the unique city, coast and country elements of the municipality continue to be protected and enhanced with thoughtful and innovative planning, development, and investment.

Our Economic Development Strategy highlights the vision, attitudes, and aspirations of our growing and diverse community. The 4-year strategy presents our commitment to deliver key actions, as well as invest in new opportunities and big ideas in partnership with the public and private sectors, industry, business and cross Council collaborations through:

  • Business Engagement and Connection: Strengthen connections with government, industry and community to foster new opportunities for investment and growth.
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Develop a diverse, robust, and resilient local economy underpinned by businesses responsive to local, national and global influences.
  • Investment Attraction and Trade: Attract and facilitate new job creation investment and enable national and international trade.

The Economic Development Strategy was endorsed by Council in November 2022. Implementation and progress reporting will be conducted annually by Council’s Economic Development Unit. The Strategy’s Year 1 Action Plan 2023-24 will commence in July 2023 and the annual progress report to be published by June 2024.

Acknowledging that local and global economic conditions are subject to rapid change and evolution, the strategy, objectives and actions allows for flexibility, review and revision.

For more information, please get in touch with our Economic Development team on business@wyndham.vic.gov.au

Download: Economic Development Strategy 2022-26

Business Matters in Wyndham LinkedIn Group

Our Business Matters in Wyndham LinkedIn Group provides you with an opportunity to connect with other business people in the area without leaving your home.  This forum is to encourage networking rather than market your business.

Business Matters in Wyndham eNewsletter

Wyndham City publishes a monthly e-newsletter “Business Matters in Wyndham”. 

The newsletter includes information relevant to the local business community such as free business training and networking events, Wyndham City Council tenders, government grants and other business news.

Subscribe to Business Matters in Wyndham

Business Matters in Wyndham








Wynning Business Newsletter

Wyndham Economic Growth & Visitor Economy Strategies – A Snapshot

The Wyndham Economic Growth and Visitor Economy Strategies set Wyndham on a journey of transformation through the implementation of actions that will influence the continuing growth of the City’s industry and visitor economy strengths, the leveraging of opportunities to grow emerging industry sectors, tourism dispersal and yield and reshaping the future economy to align with broader national and international trends by growing the cities knowledge sector industries

If you would like a copy of either strategy, please email business@wyndham.vic.gov.au

Download - Wyndham Economic Growth & Visitor Economy Snapshot

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