Licence enquiries
How to a move from a 2-year licence to a 10-year licence
In order to be able to move from a two (2) year licence to a ten (10) year licence a Boatshed must comply with standards set down by DELWP and Council and all other licence conditions.
Following the initial inspection Council will provide a report to the licensee. The report will describe findings of the inspections:
- The boatshed is fully compliant with the requirements and no works are required to be undertaken, Council will issue a 10 year licence as soon as possible;
- The boatshed is not fully compliant, therefore works are required to be undertaken. Council will issue a report to the Licensee specifying the works required to achieve compliance. Once works have been completed, a follow-up inspection can be requested. If considered compliant, Council will issue a 10-year licence.
This is further outlined in Annexure 1 in the Boatshed Management Policy 2016.
Is there a Licence transfer fee?
From 1 July 2021, all licence transfers are subject to a transfer fee of $250.00 which covers a mandatory boatshed inspection. Any items for repair must be rectified before sale and transfer of the Licence.
Purchasers enquiry
Important information for prospective purchasers
A boatshed licence provides the licensee with the right to occupy the site subject to conditions such as maintaining the structure in good condition, payment of the annual licence fee, municipal rates and charges, and maintaining current public liability insurance cover.
When a licence is transferred, boatshed purchasers sign a form acknowledging they have read, understood, and will abide by the Boatshed Management Policy. The most important items being:
- No overnight or long-term habitation permitted;
- Structural boatshed alterations require the written consent of Council, an approved Planning Permit, and where required, a Building Permit and must comply with all statutory regulations; and
- A licence can be revoked and the boatshed demolished and removed at the licensee’s cost if a licensee fails to comply with the Licence Conditions, the Policy, Planning Scheme or a notice to undertake repairs or maintenance on the structure.
Related documents for prospective purchasers
- DELWP Guidelines for the management of existing bathing boxes and boatsheds on marine and coastal Crown land
- Boatshed Management Policy 2025
- General Information document
- DELWP Standards for Bathing Box and Boatshed Construction Guidelines 2015
How do I sell my boatshed?
The specific sale of a boatshed is between the licensee, as the vendor, and the purchaser. The sale can be arranged as a private sale between owner and prospective purchaser or a Real Estate Agent can be engaged. Council’s involvement will commence once the sale is confirmed. The licensee should advise Council of the upcoming sale so we may ready licence transfer documentation. Please note effective July 2021 all licence transfers will need Council approval and inspections before a sale can be entered into.
How do I buy a boatshed?
Once a decision is made on the boatshed being purchased, the purchaser should liaise with the vendor regarding sale specifics. Upon completion of sale process Council should be notified to set up a licence transfer meeting. ALL boatshed owners are required to have mandatory public liability insurance (PLI) cover. This can be obtained by annual membership with the Wyndham Boatshed Association (see below for further details), or by self-insuring.
Note: proof of PLI must be shown before transfer of licence will be processed by Council.
Do I need to become a member of the Wyndham Boatshed Association (WBA) before purchasing a boatshed? How much is the membership?
No, it is not mandatory to become a member, however members of the WBA have automatic PLI cover included in the annual fee of $90 per year (please note this fee may change from time to time). Part of this fee will cover the mandatory PLI cover and the remainder goes towards member events e.g. fishing competitions and clean-up days.
I have sold my boatshed, what do I need to do now?
The following steps are required to transfer a licence:
- Complete and sign the Transfer of Licence Application (must be signed by all parties).
- Schedule meeting with Strategic Property Management Unit.
- Allow 10 business days for the transfer to be processed.
Note: Where the transfer is as a result of a Deceased Estate, further documentation is required. Any outstanding Council Rates will transfer to the new licensee. We therefore suggest parties consider their own adjustment prior to submitting the Transfer of Licence Form.
Please note effective July 2021 all licence transfers will need Council approval and inspections before a sale can be entered into.
Annual Charges
What charges are related to the boatshed?
Fees are attached to the boatsheds:
- Annual rates charges apply to all boatsheds within the municipality of Wyndham. Boatshed rates are based on the size of the shed and vary between $300-400 annually.
- Annual boatshed licence fees are due on 1 April each year with the charge incurring an annual CPI increase. Invoices will be sent out late April after the quarterly CPI figures have been released. The 2022 charge is $376.00 p.a.
- Public liability insurance (PLI) is a mandatory licence requirement. This can be obtained through your own insurer or through membership of the Wyndham Boatshed Association (WBA).
Planning/Building Permits
Do I need a building permit or planning permit for proposed building works? Do I need consent from the land owner? How do I apply for one?
- The licensee is responsible for ensuring the structure is maintained in a good condition and is not a safety hazard. The Council undertakes regular inspections of the boatsheds and may direct that certain works or maintenance be done to upgrade the structure within a specified time to bring the condition of the structure up to an acceptable standard. The licensee is also responsible for the timely removal of graffiti.
- Non-structural routine repairs and maintenance do not require planning or building approval, i.e. replacing concrete sheeting with weatherboards, or replacing old tin roofing with colorbond.
- A planning permit, and potentially a building permit, is required when structural improvements are taking place, for example, changing the boatshed roofline from skillion to gable. It should be noted that any boatshed permit applications must be referred to DEWLP for their approval so will take a few weeks longer than a standard residential application.
- Alterations are to be restricted to the licensed area (the original footprint of the structure). No extension of the structure upwards or outwards is permitted.
- Permission must first be sought and obtained in writing from Council’s Strategic Property Management (SPM) Team before applying for any permits. This can be done by letter to the Civic Centre, or sending an email to marked to the attention of Strategic Property Management. The email should contain the wording “I wish to apply for land manager’s consent to apply for a planning permit”. You should attach plans of the proposed works so they can be considered against your boatshed’s Licensed Area Plan and the DELWP Standards for Bathing Box and Boatshed Construction Guidelines 2015. If SPM believe changes are required to assist with permit approval, these will be advised accordingly. Otherwise consent will be granted, and a copy of that email MUST be included with other documentation when applying for your permit.
- Reconstruction of damaged or destroyed boatsheds requires planning approval. This applies where part or all of the structure has been destroyed or damaged. Reconstruction must occur within the standard two years planning permit period. If a boatshed is burnt down and the site remains vacant for two years, the structure cannot then be rebuilt.
- Please refer to DELWP Standards for Bathing Box and Boatshed Construction Guidelines 2015 document for further guidelines.
For information relating to applying for a planning permit, please visit the Building Permit Application Process.
Update information
How do I update my details?
If you have a recent change of address or contact details, please visit the Change of address page to update your details.
Boatshed Sale & Transfer process
If you are looking to sell your boatshed at Campbells Cove Road and Bailey’s beach, you will be required to complete documents below in order for the transfer to progress and the sale to be finalised.
All parties are to read through the following documents:
1. General Information on Werribee South Boatsheds
2. Werribee South Boatshed Management Policy 2016
3. Adopted DELWP Guidelines 2022
4. WBA payment information
All parties are to complete the documentation below to progress the transfer:
5. Change of Occupancy form (Signed by All parties)
6. Boatshed Policy Acknowledgement form (Signed by the purchaser)
7. WBA Membership application form (Signed by All parties)
The Change of Occupancy form is to be completed and signed by All parties and the purchaser is to complete and sign the Policy Acknowledgement form.
WBA Membership application form is for the purchaser to sign as the new member (if they so choose). The vendor will then be required to sign as the former owner AND as the Proposer, putting the purchaser forward for membership.
Please note, the Change of Occupancy form requires the signature of a witness over the age of 18.
All parties are to attend the Civic Centre in person, where a Property Officer will facilitate this transfer at an appointment time to suit All parties. However, if this transfer is completed electronically, Council requires certified copies of All parties driver licenses for I.D. verification purposes, to be returned together with the signed transfer documentation.
There is a transfer fee of $250.00 which will need to be paid prior to Council’s appointed building inspector undertaking the inspection of the boatshed, which ensures the boatshed is up to standard for the sale/transfer.
Should you require any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact an Officer from the Strategic Property Management team at
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via
Phone: 1300 023 411
Attention: Strategic Property Management