35 Ballan Rd,
Werribee VIC 3030
(03) 8734 5677
Eagle Stadium

Health Club upgrades – temporary closure

The Health Club at Eagle Stadium (including gym and group fitness classes) will be CLOSED to the public between Wednesday 23 October – Sunday 10 November inclusive while upgrades to the cardio equipment and a gym refresh are undertaken.

It will RE-OPEN to the public on Monday 11 November.

For more information, go to


“Wyndham City’s Eagle Stadium is the largest indoor recreation facility in Melbourne’s West.  

The $47 million complex features:

  • a 1,500 seat show court,
  • 12 indoor multi-purpose courts,
  • 4 outdoor netball courts,
  • a state of the art gym, dedicated group fitness and spin class rooms,
  • a crèche,
  • café and
  • ample parking.

Architecturally striking, the building features high ceilings and natural light - it is insulated for noise and thermal impact and has many sustainable features reducing its impact of the environment. Eagle Stadium offers modern, fully-equipped meeting rooms for hire, which are suited to a wide range of professional meeting types including presentations, small conventions and team-building sessions.


Upcoming Events

Photo 1: a boy shoots a netball, Photo 2: a boy and a girl smile at the camera

Net Set Go (Netball for 5 to 10 years) in Werribee

Girls and boys aged 5 to 10 years can learn how to play Netball
a group of men and women of all ages are smiling at the camera

Walking Basketball

All the fun of Basketball at a walking pace
a black oval shaped plastic bat and a red plastic ball with holes in

Social Pickleball

Pickleball - for all ages - a blend of Tennis, Badminton and Table tennis
On the Ball Sports Program

On The Ball

Calling on all young people who love sport! Come and join our ‘On The Ball’ program which will run fortnightly on Thursdays at Eagle Stadium.

Room Hire

  • Meeting Room 1 – 20 seated, 30 standing @ $45/hour
  • Meeting Room 2 – 30 seated, 40 standing @ $45/hour
  • Meeting Room 1 and 2 can be opened up as one large space. 60 seated, 80 standing @ $90/hour

For more information visit Meeting Room Hire at Eagle Stadium - Enquire today (

Available for hire (conditions apply)

Accessibility, Facilities and Equipment

  • Large Audio Visual Screens wall mounted in each Meeting Room.
  • Chairs and tables supplied and setup to your configuration requirements.
  • Level Facility entry
  • Accessible parking in close proximity
  • Braille signage through centre

Rooms are suitable for

  • Meetings
  • Workshops
  • Training and Seminars
  • Presentations

Finishing Time

All functions must be completed by:

  • Monday - Friday - 11pm
  • Saturday - Saturday - 10pm

Make a booking

FAQS- Eagle Stadium roof rectification works - September 2021

The design works for the permanent solution to prevent water ingress at Eagle Stadium are complete. Council has awarded a tender for construction works which will commence in late October.

What have been some of the causes of the roof leaking?

Some of the sources of the roof leaking included leaking from the skylights, box gutters and roof panels.

Unfortunately, there was not one single cause of leaks, which is why finding a solution was challenging

What are the measures that are being put in place to fix the roof leaking?

Firstly, we sought the advice of an independent structural engineer. The structural engineer recommended options to fix the roof permanently. Council then engaged a Consultant to architecturally design a solution in accordance with the structural engineer’s recommendation. Council then released a tender to appoint a Contractor to construct the designed solution, with a contract for those works awarded at the September 2021 Council Meeting.

Will the courts or the gym be closed to users while the (interim) works are underway?

Pleasingly, interruptions to use and access of Eagle Stadium will be minimal during construction. Council has awarded the tender to a builder who is able to work flexibly, and schedule most of the significant construction outside of peak use hours. We will continue to work closely with Western Leisure Services (WLS) to minimise the impact on users and avoid disruptions to scheduled training and match fixtures.

What is council doing next to progress the permanent solution?

Roof rectification works are set to commence in late October 2021 and are expected to be completed in May 2022. The rectification works involve the installation of an additional layer of roofing which will provide a watertight robust structural integrity and an additional barrier to weather.  All parties are confident this approach will permanently fix the roof leaks. Additionally, the architectural integrity of the stadium will be retained, and no changes will be required to the entrance or façade of the stadium.

Will the costs be borne by ratepayers or the builder?

Our priority is to ensure the roof stops leaking permanently, and once the issue is resolved we will then consider steps to recoup costs.

Will the vaccination hub at Eagle Stadium be affected?

We do not expect the vaccination hub to be affected by construction works.

For further information visit the Capital Works Dashboard.

Internal components naming of Eagle Stadium

Area 1: Nicol Championship Courts

Championship represents the duel that plays out amongst the highest level of competition at the venue

Nicol reflects the contribution made by John Nicol to the stadium.  John was:

  • Instrumental in the development of the original Recreation Centre. 
  • Chairman of the company Werribee Basketball Association (WBA) formed to build the three court basketball stadium in 1992.  
  • Heavily involved the partnership between Council and the WBA ensuring Wyndham could continue to provide an indoor sporting facility for the community through the coming together of the two indoor centres. 
  • The first Chairman of the new company – Werribee Sports Centre Limited (WSCL) – which managed the complex for almost 20 years.

Area 2: Challenge Courts

This reflects that people have to challenge themselves to continually improve, and the challenge that takes place between two teams on the court.  It also reflects the challenge that many individuals had to overcome to ensure that this stadium was built, and its continual development since 1977.

Area 3: Cooney Flaherty Courts

This area comprises the four outdoor netball courts.

Irene Cooney with the support of the Netball Committee and players, negotiated for the new home of netball to be located at the current site. The new facility comprised six courts instead of the two at Soldiers Reserve, and meant that more women could participate in netball and socially connect regularly.

Kerryn Flaherty assisted Irene, the Committee and players in advocating for the new courts.  Kerryn is a strong advocate of netball and empowering women in sport and assisted in tirelessly maintaining the courts to ensure they were always in the best condition, making sure that players wouldn’t miss out on participating.  She continued to do this into the late 2000’s for school tournaments and the Saturday junior competition.

Area 4: WBA Legacy Courts

Reflects the legacy created by the commitment and support of the Werribee basketball community in the development of the three court basketball stadium, which now forms the basis of this area.  The former basketball stadium was originally built by the Werribee Basketball Association (WBA) in 1992 to cater for the ever expanding basketball competitions in Werribee.

In 1998 the WBA joined with Council to combine the Recreation Centre and the Basketball Stadium into one for the benefit of the community. The combined complex, known as the Werribee Sports & Fitness Centre ran for almost 20 years by a company, Werribee Sports Centre Limited, jointly managed by the WBA and Council.

Area 5: Patterson Courts

This includes courts 9 – 12.  These courts are important in the development of all sports and support a lot of multiple uses.  These courts recognise the importance of sports participation.

Patterson Courts acknowledges Roy and Ruby Patterson, who were long standing members of badminton and founding members of table tennis.  They were also instrumental in the development of the original Recreation Stadium at the site and the bringing together of all sports to the venue in the 1970’s after the State Government introduced grants for venues to be built for indoor sports.

The Recreation Centre opened in 1977 and was extended in 1982 fulfilling Roy’s dream of an indoor multi sports centre.  This was the culmination of the work of local residents led by John Nicol, Roy and Ruby Patterson, and through their efforts in securing funding to develop the Centre.

Area 6: Top Spin Court

This area forms court 8 and is important to the stadium for many reasons.  It is a completely enclosed court which supports multiple uses from table tennis, court sports and specialist sports such as goal ball and elite training. 

Top Spin Court is synonymous with the Table Tennis Associations connection to the stadium and the association’s long standing commitment to the stadium.  Top Spin also represents the movement forward of the work over many years to obtain this state-of-the-art stadium.

Area 7: Café Rec

The Café is a place of social connection and supports the operation of the site for all visitors and participants.

The name Café Rec considers the emotional and community connection to the stadium which has been fondly named the ‘Rec Centre’ in recent years.  Café Rec also identifies this component as the social hub of the site to reflect and enjoy conversations with team mates, competitors and supporters.

Area 8: Garden of Generations

The Garden is a place of growth, nurturing and connection to nature.

Garden of Generations reflects the many people who have played, spectated, volunteered and grown up with the facility in their lives.  It reflects the importance of all generations in the development of what is now Eagle Stadium.  It also reflects the future generations who will benefit from the use of this great stadium.

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