City Forest and Habitat Strategy (2017 – 2040)

2024 Update 

The community envisions Wyndham as a vibrant city featuring shaded areas and green spaces that foster healthy communities and natural environments. This Strategy outlines a framework to create a resilient urban forest and interconnected natural habitat that benefits both residents and local biodiversity.

The City Forest and Habitat Strategy 2017–2040 was adopted by Council in 2018 and updated in 2024. The Strategy provides a holistic approach to the management of Wyndham’s habitat and tree assets and since 2018, the Strategy has supported continual improvement and coordination across Council to deliver tree plantings, revegetation projects, biodiversity protection, land use planning and asset protection.

Wyndham retains significant natural areas that provide habitat for native plant and animal species of local, state, national and international significance. These natural areas are fragmented and modified with a range of threats to their ongoing health and biodiversity. This Strategy is designed to connect and help manage these natural assets to celebrate and protection our natural environment.

The objectives of the City Forest and Habitat Strategy are to:

  1. Improve habitat protection, connectivity, resilience, and health throughout the municipality.
  2. Increase canopy cover to create an urban forest of native and non-invasive exotic species (within the Urban Growth Boundary) across streetscapes, parks, and private land.
  3. Protect and manage our trees as valuable community assets.
  4. Improve tree risk management and integration into the design of assets, services, and the built form.
  5. Engage our community in understanding and valuing our natural biodiversity and trees.

Wyndham City will work with Wyndham’s community and other key stakeholders to implement this Strategy.

Download - City Forest and Habitat Strategy (2017 – 2040)

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