Can my Planning Permit be extended?
A condition on your planning permit will state the time period within which the use or development needs to be commenced. Your permit can be extended, provided the request for extension is received within 6 months of the end of the permit. In your request for extension you will be asked to provide reasons for your request.
In many cases Wyndham City will grant a first time extension, provided you have a valid reason. Further time extensions may be granted and are considered on a case by case basis.
Download - Application for Extension of Time to Planning Permits Form
Can I amend my Planning Permit?
If you wish to change your permit preamble, any permit conditions or make changes to your endorsed plans, you may apply to Wyndham City for an amendment under Section 72 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
An application to amend a planning permit (and/or the endorsed plans) is processed in the same way as a standard planning application. An assessment will be made as to whether the proposed amendment is likely to impact on any other property. If it is determined that this is likely, Wyndham City will require public notification of the application.
The decision making process and appeal rights are the same as those for a standard planning permit application. You need to download, complete and submit an Application to Amend a Planning Permit or Application for Secondary Consent (Minor Amendment to Endorsed Plans)
How do I submit plans to comply with Planning Permit conditions?
Conditions of your permit may require you to submit additional plans or other material for endorsement. For example, Condition 1 of a permit often requires amended plans to be submitted.
The Plans to Comply with Planning Permit Conditions form must be completed and outline how the submitted plans comply with the requirements of the permit condition.
Cultural Heritage Management Plan Declaration
If a Cultural Heritage Management Plan is not required, you need to complete a Cultural Heritage Management Plan Declaration Form and submit the completed form to Wyndham City.
Request to amend current application for a Planning Permit
To request to amend a current permit application, you need to include the description of the proposal or the description of the land or any plans or documents accompanying the application, and download, complete and submit a Request to Amend Current Application for a Planning Permit.
Application for copies of Planning Permits and Plans
If you want a copy of a Planning Permit and plans you need to download, complete an Application for Copies of Planning Permits and Plans and submit a request to the Planning Department.
Download Application for Copies of Planning Permits and Plans Form
Application for a demolition
If you want to demolish a building you need to download, complete an Application for Form A - Report & Consent (under Section 29A of the Building Act 1993) On Proposed Demolition - Form A and submit to the Planning Department.