Use the calculator below to enter your child's birth date and find out what year your child can start 3-year-old (3YO) or 4-year-old (4YO) kindergarten.
In Victoria, a child cannot attend more than one State Government funded free kindergarten program (3YO or 4YO) at the same time. This means that your child can only attend one service, at any one time for each year of 3YO or 4YO kindergarten, including long daycare services offering a funded kindergarten program.
3 Year Old Kindergarten
3YO kindergarten is a one-year program for 3-year-old children, delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher in the year before they are eligible to attend their second year of kindergarten (4YO).
To be eligible for the free kindergarten program children need to turn 3 by the 30 of April in the same year they are to attend 3YO kindergarten.
Please Note: Your child must be 3 years of age, before starting their first year of kindergarten. If your child turns 3 between the start of term 1 and 30 of April, your child will not be able to commence kindergarten until their 3rd birthday.
How do I know if my child is ready?
Determining when a child is ready for kindergarten is based on their current stage of development, rather than their intelligence or parenting style. Every child is unique and may develop at their own pace. The age at which your child starts kindergarten is directly linked to the age they will begin primary school. We recommend families plan ahead when enrolling for 3-year-old kindergarten to decide the age they would prefer their child to start primary school.
For some children, a later start to kindergarten will provide more time to develop skills to support a positive educational experience. If your child’s birthday is between January and April, it is recommended that you carefully consider whether your child is ready to start 3-year-old kindergarten, or if starting the following year would be more beneficial.
Some things to consider are:
- Can your child separate from you with minimal distress, especially with support from educators?
- Can your child request for help and are they easily understood?
- Is your child able to share and engage positively with up to 33 children?
- Are they able to understand and follow basic instructions?
- Are they showing independence with feeding themselves, going to the toilet and progressing with toilet training?
- How are their gross and fine motor skills?
- Does your child tire easily? Do they still need a daytime sleep?
When your child starts 3YO kindergarten, their Educators will work with you to support their transition to kindergarten and creating a positive experience for your child.
Benefits of waiting a little longer
The benefits of starting kindergarten the following year they are eligible include:
- Enhanced confidence and social skills
- Better emotional and behavioural management
- Improved developmental readiness and academic foundations.
If you decide to defer your child’s start to kindergarten there are activities, you can do in the meantime which may help build their confidence and skills including:
- attending childcare
- occasional care
- regular playdates
- joining a playgroup
- library Storytime sessions
Early Start Kindergarten
Early Start Kindergarten (ESK) provides a kindergarten program to eligible 3YO children. Wyndham City Council may be able to offer eligible children a kindergarten place in a 3YO or 4YO program. Children are eligible for ESK if they are aged three by 30th of April in the year they will be attending kindergarten, and;
- The child is Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander; or
- The family has had contact with Child Protection (or been referred by them to Child FIRST) or
- In Out-of-home care; or
- Child/Parent have or are currently applying for a Refugee or Asylum Seeker status.
Eligible Visa Subclasses:
- Refugee visa (subclass 200)
- In-country Special Humanitarian (subclass 201)
- Global Special Humanitarian visa (subclass 202)
- Emergency Rescue visa (subclass 203)
- Woman at risk visa (subclass 204)
- Humanitarian Stay visa (subclass 449)
- Temporary Protection visa (subclass 785)
- Temporary Humanitarian Concern visa (subclass 786)
- Safe Haven Enterprise visa (subclass 790)
- Protection visa (subclass 866)
- A Bridging visa, and is in the process of applying for one of the above Refugee or Humanitarian visas
- Current or expired ImmiCard
Please note: Out-of-home care is the term used to describe the placement of children away from their parents due to concerns that they are at risk of significant harm.
If you have already registered, Child and Family Support will review your ESK eligibility and contact you.
To find out more and to access translated information on the benefits of Early Start Kindergarten visit the Victorian Government website.
4 Year Old Kindergarten
The second year of kindergarten is a program for 4-year-old children, delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher in the year before they are eligible to commence primary school.