We welcome submissions from community groups, organisations or association however please note that general marketing/sales-driven content will not be accepted.
Submit a Listing for an Event
If you are a Wyndham-based community group, club or organisation hosting a public scheduled, regular or single event, it’s free to submit an online event listing. Your event must have a start time/date and end time/date. Ensure you also provide link to booking/registration site if required, costs and full contact details.
Please read the What's On Calendar guidelines below prior to submission
Request to appear on the website can take up to 14 working days to be reviewed and approved.
Updating your event listing
If you require a change to a listing email electronic.communications@wyndham.vic.gov.au.
Event listing guidelines
Wyndham City’s What’s on Calendar Guidelines
Wyndham’s What’s on Calendar is a free opportunity to promote events & activities that are run throughout Wyndham.
The calendar is accessible via Wyndham City’s website www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/whats-on.
For events to be listed in the What’s On Calendar the following guidelines apply:
- The event takes place within the Wyndham municipal boundaries
- The primary purpose of the event is to draw an audience or attendance from the general community and / or visitors
- The date and location of the event must be publicly accessible
- Contact details must be provided so the general public can obtain additional information if required
- Events should be inclusive and embrace diversity
- Event details provided for the What’s On in Wyndham calendar must be up to date and accurate. Wyndham City does not accept responsibility for incorrect or out of date information, and reserves the right to remove any event/s displaying out of date or incorrect information
- Wyndham City assumes, in displaying the event details in the What’s on Calendar, that operators have appropriate public liability cover and all other appropriate legal support for their event
- If you event has been fully booked, you must notify Communications at Wyndham City asap so information can be altered on your event page.
- Local fetes and similar community run events
- Regular community arts, crafts and produce markets
- Exhibitions from art galleries and museums
- Sporting events
- Monthly markets
- Community Centre activities
Not accepted
- Private events ie: garage sales
- Commercial/business events or activities that have no broader purpose beyond a sale, marketing or branding exercise
Other policies and conditions
- Wyndham City has a policy of being non-preferred in our referral of products and services
- Events & activities will be placed in the What’s On calendar at the discretion of Wyndham City Council
- Wyndham City reserves the right to remove any events from the calendar at any time.
Getting the most out of the What's On Events Calendar
Provide accurate event details using this template
- Event Name
- Summary of Event
- Description of your event
- Image (best practice: landscape size image and to be at least 640pixel by 480pixel)
- Date and times for the event
- Full address & location where event is being held
- Type of event
- Age group
- Event Organiser
- Contact details including phone number, email & web address
- Any costs to attend the event
(Please be aware that event contact details will be listed in the event calendar for people to obtain additional information about your event).
Event details submitted on time
Wyndham City’s will endeavour to have your event details loaded on the What’s on Calendar webpage within 7 working days.
Changing event details
At all times it remains the responsibility of the event organiser to ensure Wyndham City’s Communications Unit have been provided with the most up to date information about their event. Changes to event information are to be provided to in writing via the email: electronic.communications@wyndham.vic.gov.aul: