Wyndham City Libraries Book Club Service supports registered book clubs to access resources by developing and maintaining a diverse Book Club Kit collection. Through our Book Club Service, we aim to create a welcoming environment where groups can connect, engage in meaningful discussions, and experience the benefits of shared reading within an inclusive community.
Want to register a new Book Club?
If you already have a group of people to start a book club with, register with us to access Book Club Kits.
The library provides kits to book clubs with a free Wyndham City Libraries Book Club membership. Book clubs generally have eight members and are free to join. Each club is self-run and has a Coordinator (nominated by the club) who organises borrowing and returns. Staff can assist you in creating a membership for your club, as well as taking you through how to borrow and use the kits.
To register, please contact our Adult Programs and Services Team on 8734 8999 or email BookClubs@wyndham.vic.gov.au
Book club kits
The library has a collection of over 100 book club kits that are available to clubs with a Wyndham City Libraries Book Club membership. Each kit contains eight copies of the same book, along with a folder that includes reviews and discussion questions. To borrow a book club kit please place a request via the library catalogue or call your local branch. Our kits are available to existing book clubs and new groups.
These titles must be requested via the library catalogue or by calling your local branch.
Author Talk: Christian White
Frequently Asked Questions
I’m starting a new book club, how does this work?
A Book Club Library membership card is issued to the Book Club Coordinator in the Book Club’s name.
Wyndham City Libraries have over 100 Book Club Kits available to borrow, containing 8 copies of selected titles. Each kit contains eight copies of the same book, along with a folder that includes reviews and discussion questions. Kits are available for loan for a period of 6 weeks.
Each club is self-run and has a Coordinator (nominated by the club) who organises borrowing, returns and running of the club.
Book Clubs may meet at any venue as often as they like, but it is recommended they meet monthly.
Book clubs should be run for the enjoyment of their members. To facilitate this, members should agree on a clear set of rules and responsibilities.
I’m a new Book Club coordinator what are my responsibilities?
Apply for a Wyndham City Libraries Book Club membership.
Meet with a member of the Adult Programs and Services Team before commencing the Book Club. It is the role of the Book Club Coordinator to maintain a record of book club members.
Check the availability of, reserve and collect Book Club Kits for your meetings.
Return the complete Book Club Kit and folder in good condition, by the agreed due date. Partial sets will not be accepted for return. Report if an item is damaged.
Abide by the membership rules of the Wyndham City Libraries.
Advise us when you have a change in membership. This can be done by contacting our Adult Programs and Services Team on 8734 8999 or email BookClubs@wyndham.vic.gov.au
Does the library run any book club groups?
Currently the library does not run any book clubs. We do have a program called Book Chat. Book Chat is a monthly program where you can discuss what you have been reading with others. We also run many other book related events, like author talks, community reads and seasonal book events. More information can be found here: Adult Events & Activities
How do I search Wyndham specific Book Club Kits on the catalogue?
Click here to see all our book club kits on the catalogue.
Looking to read a Classic with your Book Group?
Did you know that you can access digital editions of a range of classics simultaneously on Hoopla? Discover Hoopla today. For more information visit eBooks, Audio and Video
The kit I want to borrow is on loan, what are my options?
If you are keen to read a particular title and it is currently on loan, you can place the kit on hold and search for titles that are currently available on our library catalogue. We also suggest that you have more than one kit option chosen, to avoid disappointment.
How do I suspend a kit that I have on hold?
If you have placed a kit on hold and require it for a certain month, you can suspend the hold to match the time that you require it. To do so, log into your account on the catalogue, choose the Holds tab, and select the kit that needs to be suspended until later.
Click the Suspend hold button, and in the dialog that appears you will need to enter an End Date - this is that date that you would like the book club kit to be ready for your club.
Guides and Resources
Find some suggested resources and conversation prompts to get discussion start.
Online sources
- LitLovers.com – this website has over 3,500 sets of book club questions, as well as generic questions to choose from
Questions for download
If you can't find questions for your chosen book, these generic starter questions may help:
- General fiction and Literature questions
(DOC, 13.6 KB) - Crime and thriller questions(DOC, 15.6 KB)
- Non-fiction questions(DOC, 19.87 KB)