Wyndham’s natural environment is extremely diverse and beautifully unique. Our native flora, fauna and vegetation communities are of national and international importance including the nationally significant Natural Temperate Grassland of the Victorian Volcanic Plain. We have 27.4km of coastline along Port Phillip Bay for you to explore, some of which is listed on the international Ramsar Convention. Wyndham is home to many wetlands, some remnant and some constructed for water treatment. Our wetlands provide great habitat for a variety of wildlife for you to see.

Explore Wyndham's Eco Hotspots

To help you explore Wyndham’s Eco Hotspots we have developed Hidden Diversity – your guide to the eco hotspots of Wyndham. The map highlights the environmental sites of interest you must visit in Wyndham.


Constructed Wetlands Sediment Removal Works

What are Constructed wetlands?

Constructed wetlands provide treatment of stormwater runoff before it’s discharged into rivers and creeks. The first stage of treatment in constructed wetlands is the collection of sediment. Sediment deposition in waterways can disrupt aquatic habitats, degrade water quality, alter flow patterns, and reduce the capacity of rivers and streams to support biodiversity.

Why is Wyndham City Council doing these works?

Wyndham City Council undertakes routine inspections of constructed wetland assets within the municipality. Maintenance is required to ensure the assets continue to provide appropriate stormwater treatment for local waterways.

What do the maintenance works involve?

Wyndham City Council will soon undertake the removal of accumulated sediments from a selection of constructed wetland assets across the municipality.

The built-up sediments will be excavated using machinery and temporarily stockpiled onsite to dry out naturally for 8 to 10 weeks, depending on weather conditions. Trucks will then be used to remove the dried sediments and dispose of them at an appropriate facility. 

As part of the essential wetlands maintenance works, some vegetation removal from sediment ponds may be required to improve access or to prevent future blockages. Some concrete works may be required within wetlands to provide a solid base to help with future maintenance activities.

What will you notice?

Residents near the work sites may notice some minor activities that include:

  • Increase in vehicles and machinery movement during work hours.
  • Pedestrian and traffic management will be in place, as required.
  • Some extra noise during excavation.
  • While the sediment is drying out a minor odour can be present, but this is harmless.

However, we will make every effort to minimise the impact of maintenance activities and thank you for your patience and cooperation during these essential works.

Period of works

The program of works is expected to commence in mid-February, weather permitting, and sediment excavation works are expected to take 5 to 10 days to complete at each location. Stockpiled sediments will temporarily dry out onsite for 8 to 10 weeks depending on weather conditions. Sediment will then be removed from the site over 4-5 days and site remediation will continue immediately.  

The program will be carried out from Monday to Friday between 7.00 am and 5.00 pm in accordance with EPA guidelines.

Contact us:

If you have questions or feedback on the project, please get in touch with the project team:

1300 023 411



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