- Sick or injured native animals/wildlife, contact (Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning) Customer Service Centre on 136 186 for advice or call Wildlife Victoria on 8400 7300
- Report online - www.wildlifevictoria.org.au and use the report a wildlife situation link.
- DWELP - DELWPs website will ask a series of questions about what species, what has happened to it and where it is located in order to determine who is most appropriate to attend to sick/injured/distressed wildlife:
- Council is not permitted or authorised to deal with any form of wildlife.
Residents should be advised that our Council Rangers are not able to handle wildlife, and for all enquiries, they will need to contact a wildlife rescue service directly
Wildlife Victoria should only be contacted if the animal is sick, injured or orphaned.
To report dead animals on Road or swooping magpies visit our Requests and Issues Portal.
Wildlife Victoria (WV)
T: 03 8400 7300 - wildlife emergencies only
W: www.wildlifevictoria.org.au
The Wildlife Victoria (WV) service responds to all sick, injured and orphaned native wildlife enquiries.
Help For Wildlife
T: 0477 555 611
W: www.helpforwildlife.org.au/
Help for Australian wildlife in distress. Offers a 24 hour, State-wide, emergency service.