What is a Learning City?                                            

A Learning City, as defined by UNESCO, is one that maximises lifelong learning opportunities for its citizens by effectively mobilising resources across all sectors.

Since joining the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities in 2019, Wyndham has promoted inclusive, community, and workplace learning, modern technologies, quality education, and lifelong learning.

Explore some of Wyndham's achievements in local, national, and international spaces. 

UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities

Learning cities climate-action initiatives from around the world

Wyndham is proud to be featured in the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities Collection on Lifelong Learning for Climate-Action!

The collection shows how UNESCO learning cities from around the globe use the transformative power of lifelong learning to combat the climate crisis

UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities Award


Our Learning Community team are delighted to become proud recipients of a UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities Award for our work in lifelong and lifewide learning. The biennial UNESCO Learning City Awards encourage, recognise and reward UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC) members who have demonstrated significant progress in enhancing education and lifelong learning opportunities for all.

UNESCO acknowledged Wyndham’s commitment to building a Learning City and helping residents improve their learning outcomes through lifelong learning. This award was only possible through our incredible collaborations and partnerships locally, nationally and internationally.

UNESCO GNLC Online Module on Sustainable Education

Welcome to the UNESCO GNLC Online Module on Sustainable Education. Discover Wyndham's Green Living Series for insights into promoting sustainability and lifelong learning.

View Online Module

UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning

The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning offers a free online course on Media and Information Literacy for adult educators. Open to all until 31 May 2025. Details here 

Australian Learning Cities Network

The Australian Learning Communities Network Inc (ALCN) is a national network of leading-edge practitioners building sustainable communities using learning as the key element. Wyndham is a proud and active member.

For all our Australian Learning Cities Network recordings, visit the Wyndham Learning City's YouTube playlist.

Find more information and to join The Australian Learning Communities Network Inc (ALCN).


First Nations 1st

The Learning Community Strategy 2024-2029 identifies four pillars for strengthening learning in Wyndham, with Pillar 1 being: First Nations 1st - embedding an understanding of First Nations culture into learning across life, addressing barriers to access and equity in learning and supporting culturally safe workplaces for Indigenous Australians.

View more details on Wyndham's Aboriginal Culture & History

Indigenous Resources at Wyndham City Libraries

Wyndham City Libraries offer a wealth of resources delving into First Nations stories, culture, history, and politics. Catering to all age groups, these materials are accessible at all our branches across Wyndham. 

Explore our curated list of recommended titles handpicked by our library staff

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Wyndham City Council (WCC) is a member of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)’s Global Network of Learning Cities (GLNC). 

The GLNC supports the achievement of the United Nations seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

View the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Mental Health Support and Resources

Wyndham City Council provides direct support services including free Community Counselling, food relief with the Food Bank at the Youth Resource Centre and information and referrals via the Community Connector.

You can find a range of further support networks and contacts, including 24-hour family violence and mental health support.

View Support Services

Career & Education Resources

Wyndham City Council, local employers, and education providers are helping our community find work. Check out these resources to build skills, find jobs, or start a business.

Sustainability and Environmental Resources

As a Learning City, Wyndham fosters empowerment, inclusion, economic development, cultural safety, and sustainability. The 2024-2029 Learning Community Strategy focuses on cultural awareness, lifelong learning, and sustainability for all ages with  all Learning Community Actions contributing to action on environment and climate.

More details About Environment and Sustainability

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