ClubHub is the central source of information and communications for Wyndham’s Sport & Recreation Club network.
Supporting club members with health, social or welfare concerns? Try our Hear to Help Directory for a list of handy links and resources.
Scholarships & Grant Opportunities
Get Active Kids Voucher Program
Helps eligible families get their children involved in organised sport and active recreation activities by reimbursing the cost of membership and registration fees, uniforms, and equipment. Eligible children may be able to receive up to $200 each.
To be eligible, children must be Victorian residents, aged 4 to 18 and named on a valid Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, as well as a Medicare Card. More details
Clubs can also register as an activity provider so voucher holders can redeem their voucher at the club n future. More details
List of Available Grants
Check out the VicSport Grant page to keep up to date about all grants available to local sports clubs and associations. Visit -
Wyndham Community Grants Program
The Community Grants Program supports not-for-profit organisations and community-based groups to deliver projects and events that build Wyndham’s community capacity and contribute to community strengthening & enhance the liveability, health and wellbeing of Wyndham community.
Wyndham City Club Hub Resource Kit
If you’re involved in running a sports club in Wyndham, you might like to check out Wyndham City Council’s online Club Hub portal and resource kit, which includes a range of tips, templates and a directory of links to help with day-to-day club operations.
ClubHub eNews
The ClubHub eNews is sent out bi-monthly. To receive your copy into your inbox, sign up here.
Simple Marketing Ideas for Clubs and Associations
1. Update and maintain the Club/Association’s website and social media pages. These platforms are a key marketing tool and often the first thing people will look at before contacting the Club/Association.
- Include photos and information that promotes an inclusive and welcoming environment for potential new members.
- Ensure contact details are easy to find and up to date.
- Check all links are working properly.
- Ensure training information is clearly visible.
- Highlight accreditations that promote a safe family friendly environment such as Good Sports and Child Safe Standards.
2. Update or include the Club/Association’s contact details on Councils community directory. and Active Wyndham Map.
3. Consider organising a free bookable come and try session or 4-6 week introduction sessions for potential new members or re-engaging existing members.
- Sessions could focus on those new to the sport and diverse communities including; girls and women, different cultural backgrounds, disabilities, children and teenagers.
- Provide a pathway to social or competitive opportunities.
- Email any upcoming community sessions and events include on the Active Wyndham Calendar and Council’s season promotions.
- Reach out to local primary and secondary schools to let them know about any upcoming programs (i.e. come and try sessions, training times, events).
- Contact local Community Centres. Let them know about any upcoming programs (i.e drop off flyers). The Sport and Recreation team can also assist in connecting Clubs/Associations with Community Centres to learn more about engaging with various community groups.
4. Collect stories of your members experiences and how sport adds value to their lives -use them for wider promotion, i.e. media release, website, social media
5. Have a system in place to record enquiries when people do make contact with the Club/Association – this will help direct future marketing efforts.
6. Create a simple one-page dot point promotional plan for the next 6 to 12 months, outlining:
- 1 to 2 key objectives
- 2 to 3 strategies per objective
- Any budget considerations
For a comprehensive guide have a look at our Gender Equality Club Resource 3. Promotion and Engagement Plan
7. Use Wyndham’s Club Resource Kit for further advice and resources.
Upcoming Events & Training
Following feedback via the annual Sports Club Survey, the Sport and Recreation team have been collaborating with Wyndham City’s Community Planning and Development Department, to provide a calendar of events and training opportunities. These sessions will cover Sport and Club Development, Volunteer Education and Grants.
These sessions will be delivered by a range of high quality presenters, and will provide valuable insights, strategies and resources to help strengthen your club into the future.
How to be a disability inclusive club
Visit our Activities for people with Disabilities page to find out about the Get Skilled Access Sport4All program for clubs and schools and also activities that welcome people with disabilities
AAA Play have put together a simple 4 step process to help clubs that want to be more inclusive of people with disabilities.
Courses for club volunteers including coaching, umpiring and general courses
We have collated information on coaching, umpiring, refereeing and general courses which are beneficial to all club volunteers. There are a number of online courses which can be accessed at any time, they are a great way to upskill when you aren’t able to play your sport so that next season you can be ready for action, many of these courses are free. Courses may change/ be converted to a different delivery format, we will try to update this information when we obtain it.
“We all participate in sport for many different reasons. Some are interested in maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle, others love the thrill of competing with their friends and a rare few set their sights on winning medals for their country. Whatever the motivation, we mostly choose our own pathways, although sometimes the pathway chooses us.” (AIS)
Frequently Asked Questions
For any questions about ClubHub, visit the below link.
Connect With Us
Wyndham City has a range of communication channels. Visit the below link for more information
Women in Sport
Only half the amount of women play sport as men, but we know that sport benefits people of all genders, ages and backgrounds. We have brought together various resources to support organisations to increase opportunities for girls and women to play sport onto one page.
Please visit our Women in Sport page.
Volunteers around our Sporting Clubs
Meet some of the fantastic volunteers across Wyndham sports clubs and associations.
Meet Andrew from Wyndham Vale parkrun
Meet Andrew from Wyndham Vale parkrun who volunteers every Saturday morning to help our community be more active.
Every club has great volunteers like Andrew.
Meet Michelle from Wyndham Victory Netball Club
Coaching a team, cooking a BBQ, setting up a budget, planning an event - when it comes to volunteering, there’s a role for everyone! Meet Michelle from Wyndham Victory Netball Club who is passing her life experience onto young netballers in Wyndham. Want to build your skills and volunteer in the community?
Check out the training opportunities available for aspiring volunteers:
Meet Tiahnee, Vice President of Werribee Bears Rugby League
Across Wyndham there are 85 community sporting clubs that provide participation opportunities for over 12,500 residents.
These opportunities are made available thank to the support of our fantastic volunteers who make all this happen! Meet Tiahnee, Vice President of Werribee Bears Rugby League who works hard to create a sense of family at the club. Learn more about the local sporting opportunities in Wyndham:
Meet Peter from the Werribee Obedience Dog Club
Want to volunteer, but not sure where to start? There are a wide variety of community organisations and local sporting groups across Wyndham that are always on the lookout for more help!
Meet Peter from the Werribee Obedience Dog Club, who talks about his unique volunteering role, and how important volunteering is within the community. If you’re interested in volunteering, you can learn more about our local community organisations here:
Meet Srini, from the North West Cricket Club
Volunteering gives you the opportunity to contribute to your community, learn new skills, be a significant part of a team and make new friends and have fun! Meet Srini, from the North West Cricket Club, who provide a social outlet for hundreds of local cricketers to play in a relaxed environment each Sunday.
Meet Paul, the President of Wyndham All Abilities
Volunteering provides a great opportunity to engage with a diverse range of people. Meet Paul, the President of Wyndham All Abilities. He tirelessly volunteers his time to nurture young people with disabilities to take responsibilities and learn new skills.
Over the last 6 weeks, we have met 6 of our local volunteers just like Paul, and heard from them about why they volunteer, and what it means to them. Hear all their stories and learn more about volunteering here:
Club Development Webinars
Wyndham City Sport and Recreation have collaborated with local community clubs and ‘subject matter experts’ to develop 9 unique webinars, focusing on some of the most important elements of running a successful and sustainable community sporting club.
These webinars touch on the most important points within each topic, with an emphasis on ensuring that the information is relevant for Wyndham Clubs.
Working with Diverse Communities
Role of The Club President
Strategic Planning for Community Sport
Grant Writing for Sports Clubs
How to attract and engage volunteers
Participant Recruitment
Gender Equality in Sport
Coach Development
Structuring your Sponsorship Program
Related documents
- Womens Officer (1).doc (DOC, 102 KB)
- Club Resource Kit.pdf (PDF, 1.83 MB)