LeadWest is a regional organisation for Melbourne's west. It aims to create a sustainable future for the wellbeing of the community in Melbourne’s west by building on the existing social, economic and environmental capacity of the region.
Regional Arts Victoria
Regional Arts Victoria is an independent, not-for-profit, membership-based organisation working in long-term partnerships with every level of government, fostering contemporary and innovative regional cultural practice. AV advise and impact on decision-making across multiple portfolios and levels of government.
Western Melbourne Tourism
Western Melbourne Tourism represents tourism stakeholders in Melbourne's West, promoting the region as a preferred tourist destination. Western Melbourne Tourism is supported by the six western region Councils.
Richard Ponsford
Executive Officer
Western Melbourne Tourism
Ph: C/- Leadwest on 03 9317 5794
WynBay Local Learning & Employment Network (WynBay LLEN)
WynBay LLEN is an independent broker of strategic partnerships between business, education, training and community organizations. The LLEN is also an incorporated network comprising business, industry, education, training and community members.
Dallian D’Cruz
Chief Executive Officer
Ph: 9394 6330