Wyndham City will be introducing mandatory cat desexing from Monday 2 January 2017.
Before registering a new cat, pet owners are required to desex the animal unless:
- the owner is a registered breeder and meets all the requirements under the Legislation;
- Or the owner is a current member of an applicable organisation and the animal is registered with that organisation;
- Or the owner of the cat has written veterinary advice that the health of that cat would be impacted if desexed.
Impounded Cats
If an unregistered non-desexed cat is impounded, it is the pet owner responsibility to desex the cat at a Vet prior to release from the Pound. This will be at the cost of the pet owner. Wyndham City offers a $50.00 voucher to assist with the cost and the registration is at the reduced amount for desexed cats.
Benefits of desexing are:
- Reduced risk of getting cancer or other diseases of the reproductive organs.
- Females can suffer from physical and nutritional exhaustion if continually breeding.
- Pets generally live longer and healthier lives.
- Pets are less prone to wander, fight and less likely to get lost or injured.
- Reduces behaviour such as spraying indoors.
- Reduces the cost to the community of having to car for unwanted kittens in pounds and shelters.
- No need to find homes for unwanted or unexpected litter of kittens.
- Less vocalisation to draw male cats attention.
- Kittens can start their reproductive live cycle as young as 5 months of age, and average 2-3 seasons a year, with 2-5 kittens per litter. In five years she could have over 200,000 descendants.