A snapshot of Wyndham
Information about the population of Wyndham and key social and economic statistics.
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Information about the population of Wyndham and key social and economic statistics.
Want to know more about Wyndham? id. The Population Experts provide demographic resources through in-depth profiles of local government areas and suburbs across Australia and New Zealand.
See our latest research highlights and results of the Annual Community Satisfaction Survey and Population Summaries
Wyndham City Council recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first Peoples of Australia. We acknowledge the Bunurong and Wadawurrung Peoples as Traditional Owners of the lands on which Wyndham City operates. The Wadawurrung and Bunurong Peoples have and always will belong to the Werribee Yalook (river), creeks, stars, hills and red clay of this Country. We pay respect to their Ancestors and Elders who always have, and always will, care for Country and community today and for future generations.