Our Collection

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Wyndham City Libraries patrons can access a huge range of eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, movies, TV shows and other online resources for free. To access the eLibrary, you will require a valid library card number and a PIN/Password.

eBooks, eAudio and Video: We've got services that offer eBooks, eAudiobook, TV Shows, Movies, Music & Comics on your phone, tablet or computer. You can search each service individually or search through our catalogue for a specific format.

eMagazines and Digital Newspapers: Find newspapers from all over the world on your device at home!

Want to find out more about apps you can use to access library resources? Visit Library Apps

You can look through an A-Z list of every different part of our eLibrary or read on for our different categories

eLibrary A-Z

Many Languages - One App

Featured eResource

Pressreader now provides free unlimited access to The Herald Sun and The Australian every day.

Access these daily newspapers along with 7000+ other newspapers and magazines from around the world on the Pressreader app or at https://www.pressreader.com with your Wyndham City Libraries membership.

Prefer The Age? That’s available free every day on Borrowbox.


Resources for children and young people

Find free digital resources including eBooks, eAudiobooks, movies, educational games & homework help for:

Early Years (aged 0-6)

Kids (aged 6-12)

Youth (aged 12-25)

Resources for education and research

Educational and language learning resources for all ages can be found at Education eLibrary.

Family and Local History eLibrary has services available for all your genealogical research.

Information and Answers has online resources for all kinds of questions, from Everyday Law to Encyclopedia Britannica to statistics about Wyndham's population.

Need some help deciding what to read next? Our Books and Reading page has you covered.

Need help?

Having trouble? You can book in an IT one on one help session, or give us a call during opening hours at 8734 8999. We’ve also created a range of video how to guides which you can access on the Wyndham City Libraries YouTube.

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