Here at Wyndham City, we work hard to deliver the services and infrastructure that our growing community needs.

It’s no secret that our population is growing at a rapid rate. The total number of people choosing to call Wyndham home is now higher than that of Greater Geelong.

The 2024/25 Budget and Annual Plan includes more than $159.1 million in capital works projects, including:

  • 159.1million Capital Works Program
  • $52.2 million on important road works across Wyndham
  • $11.6 million on various road surface renewals and reconstructions across Wyndham.
  • $12.2 million for Stage 1 construction works at the Tarneit North Community Precinct in Polly Parade, Tarneit
  • $10.4 million towards the implementation of the Manor Lakes North Master Plan, located at Holyoake Parade, Manor Lakes

For more information on capital works projects in Wyndham, search the Featured Projects section below.

Or if you’d prefer to find out about projects close to where you live, or anywhere else across Wyndham, use the Capital Works Dashboard – our new interactive online map.

Featured Projects

Ison Road Extension

Ison Road Extension

The Ison Road Extension project will enhance transportation infrastructure in the Wyndham West community by constructing a new four-lane carriageway between Browns Road and the Princes Highway (Geelong Rd).

  • Roads
Road Reconstructions

Road Reconstructions

Improving local roads is one of the key priorities of the 2024/25 Council budget, and over the coming year Wyndham City will invest $8.5 million to rebuild local roads throughout the municipality.

  • Roads

Latest News

Cambridge Reserve Dog Off-leash Park

Wyndham’s furry friends and their owners are about to have a new favourite place to play, with a brand-new dog off-leash park coming to Cambridge Reserve in Hoppers Crossing.
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