Dwellings - New, Additions and Alterations

General siting requirements for single dwellings

Residential properties within an area with controls under the Planning Scheme must comply with any siting controls of the local planning scheme if they are inconsistent with the relevant building regulatory provisions. Please contact Wyndham City’s Planning Department Phone 8734 5463 for information on the planning scheme.

Council Report & Consent

If your proposed building design does not comply with the siting requirements set out in  Parts 5 of the Building Regulations 2018, you can apply for Council Report & consent to vary these requirements.

  • Download and complete the Report & Consent applications for Part 5 Siting
  • If you require adjoining owners approval for the proposed structure when applying for Council Report and Consent complete the Adjoining Owners Comment Form.

  • For other matters not siting related:
  • Download and complete the Application for Council Report & Consent form  for all other regulations not siting relating
  • Submit your completed application form with the required documents and pay the fee:
    • in person at Wyndham City Civic Centre, 45 Princes Highway, Werribee VIC;
    • by mail enclosing your cheque to Wyndham City Council, PO Box 197, Werribee VIC 3030

Application for Council Report & Consent Protection of the Public

Precautions must be taken before and during building works to protect the safety of the public.

A Council Report and Consent is required for gantries and hoardings occupying or encroaching over the street alignments.

Download - Application for Council Report & Consent Protection of the Public

Downlload - Application for an Occupancy Permit For a Place Of Public Entertainment


Neighbouring Property Details for the purpose of Building

A protection notice is required prior to the issue of a building permit when you are carrying out building work that may affect an adjoining property. In line with our privacy policy, Wyndham City will ensure that the privacy of property owners is protected.

  • Form for Owners: If you are a property owner and need to obtain details of an adjoining property for the purpose of building you can request details online please click on the button below:

Submit a Request for Neighbouring Property Details

You can also download the Owner Protection Notice Application form and submit the signed form to Wyndham City.

  • Form for Agent / Contractor: If you are an agent contracted by the property owner to organise a building permit, you need to download and complete an Agent Protection Notice Application Form and submit the signed form to Wyndham City. All agents must also provide a contractor authority if the application is not signed by the property owner.

You need to submit all completed forms to mail@wyndham.vic.gov.au or PO Box 197, Werribee 3030.

If you are having difficulties or disputes with the neighbours you share a fence with, visit Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria or 1300 372 888.

Important Information:

The information we provide can only be used for Protection Works matters stated on the application form. No other personal information will be provided about the neighbour.

We provide these details in accordance with the Privacy and Data Collection Act 2014.

To enquire about the progress of an application please contact Wyndham City Council on 1300 023 411.

Outbuildings including sheds, veranda's, pergolas and carports

If you want to build a shed, veranda, pergola or carport on your property, please read the Outbuildings Requirements document and then complete and submit the Permit Application Form .

Swimming pools/spas and safety barriers

All pools and spas require safety barriers to be provided where their depth exceeds 300mm. Building Permits are required for all proposed safety barriers of pools and spas. Further information is available from the Victorian Building Authority.

Commercial/Industrial project

If you want to know what is required when applying for a permit for a Commercial/Industrial Project read the requirements document and download Commercial and Industrial Project Requirements and submit a Permit Application Form. Ensure you attach all relevant documentation and plans as part of your application.

Council Approval in Relation to an Existing Building/Structure

If you require assistance with the certification of a building built without a building permit (following a Building Notice or Building Order) please contact the Building Department on 1300 023 411.

Download: Application for Council Comments in Relation to an Existing Building/Structure

Demolish or Remove a Building

If you want to demolish or remove a building you need to read the Demolition or Removal handoutand then complete and submit the documents outlined in the handout.

For information on how to safely remove and dispose of asbestos, please visit www.asbestos.vic.gov.au

Siting approval for temporary structures

If you need to apply for siting approval for a temporary structure you need to download and submit an application for siting approval for temporary structures.

Relocating a Building

You need a building permit if you want  re-erect a building within the Wyndham City municipality. Before a building permit can be issued you need to follow steps outlined below:

Step 1 Approval in principal

To avoid unnecessary expense, you need to obtain approval by submitting to the Building Surveyor:

  1. A sketch plan of the building showing all room sizes
  2. Details of the present location of the building and how entry can be gained for the purpose of an inspection
  3. A minimum inspection fee of $300 (G.S.T. exclusive) will be applicable, subject to the distance travelled to the site

Your building will be inspected within 7 days of receipt of inspection fee and a report prepared indicating whether the building would be suitable for relocation.

Step 2 Application for permit

The Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995 prescribes that any building shall, when re-erected, comply with all the provisions of the Regulations relating to new buildings. The building when re-erected will need to be repaired where necessary, painted externally professionally and smoke detectors and insulation installed.

Information to be lodged to obtain a permit:

  1. Application for Building Permit to be completed and signed showing all building practitioners and relevant registration numbers
  2. Copy of Title and Titles Office approved Plan of Subdivision
  3. Covenant details and developers consent where appropriate
  4. Evidence of ownership as indicated on title, Contract of Sale or Solicitors letter
  5. Insurance cover for domestic work pursuant to the Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995 if a registered builder is engaged for the project
  6. Three copies of site and soil investigation report
  7. Three copies of complete architectural and site plans
  8. Three copies of footing details including computations where applicable
  9. Three copies of structural plans and relevant computations, if applicable
  10. Three copies of general specifications
  11. Fees to be paid with each application including State Government Levy and lodgement fees where applicable
  12. A copy of the required Form B from Wyndham City's Planning Department.

Bank guarantee or bond

To guarantee the satisfactory re-erection of the building, you need to lodge a bank guarantee or bond not exceeding the lesser of:

  • the estimated cost of carrying out the work authorised by the building permit; or

The bond money will be paid into a trust fund or will be lodged with the Building Control Commission. The bond will be returned upon the satisfactory re-instatement of the building.

The bond may be applied to pay any expenses incurred in consequence of:

  • a breach of the Regulations
  • a failure to satisfactorily and completely construct or execute the work in the work in the time specified

It is mandatory for you to provide protection to the existing footpath, crossovers and kerbing as necessary with any damage incurred charged to the applicant at current rates.

  1. A Certificate of consent from the Building Practitioners Board if the project is to be carried out as an owner/builder. For further information, contact the Practitioners Board on 9285 6400
  2. Energy rating certificate/details for the addition/alteration showing that the house energy rating will be no less than when the original dwelling was built

Note: that a building permit will also be required for the removal of the building from its current site. If the building is currently located outside Wyndham City municipality, contact the local Council for permit and consent requirements.

Rainwater Tanks

The Building Interim Regulations 2017 provide an exemption from the requirements to obtain a building permit for a building or structure that cannot be classified under the National Construction Code. This means that a building permit is not required where they are self-supporting and stand alone.

If the rainwater storage tanks are:

  • Contained within or on a proposed building, then the structural adequacy of the building would need to be considered under the application for a building permit for that building, or
  • Proposed to be supported by an existing building, a building permit would be required because the proposed building work would be an alteration to that building with potential structural adequacy implications.

Please note that:

  • Like heating equipment, cooling equipment and domestic fuel tanks, rainwater storage tanks are allowable encroachments into certain setbacks under Part 4 of the Regulations subject to depth and/or height limitations.
  • The consent of a service authority may be required to construct a rainwater storage tank over an easement vested in that authority under another Act or within 1 metre laterally of any works of a water supply authority.
  • Overflow pipe from the rainwater tank is to be connected to the stormwater drains.
  • Where a water tank is required for  6 star energy rating, the water tank will be assessed during the building permit process for the dwelling (house). In this instance the tank is to have a minimum capacity of 2000 litres and be connected to all the sanitary flushing systems in the dwelling. Furthermore the water tank can only project into the minimum side boundary set back by maximum 500mm.
  • It is the responsibility of the relevant building surveyor to classify a building (or determine that it is unclassifiable) for which they have received an application for a building permit.
  • Any domestic rainwater tank greater than 4500 litre capacity will require a planning permit pursuant to clause 62.02-2 of the Wyndham Planning Scheme.

Septic Tank System

If your property is not serviced by sewers, you will require an onsite waste water treatment (Septic) system. Households generate wastewater that can harm public health and the environment and must be properly managed. Wastewater is generated by toilets, kitchens, bathrooms and laundries. All onsite wastewater treatment systems are septic systems for the purposes of the code.

Need an onsite water treatment system

When you are considering buying a block of land or building on a block, check with City West Water to find out if the property is serviced by sewers. If the property is not serviced by sewers you require an onsite waste water treatment (septic) system.

The EPA requires Wyndham City to pay particular attention to sites with area, below 10,000 sq metres. Area's of 4,000 sq metres and below will have difficulty gaining an approval.

Wyndham City approval for wastewater treatment systems is governed by the Environment Protection Act 1970. The Act states that the local Council must issue two permits for the system and may only allow systems that the EPA have issued certificates of approval for.

You require:

  • A "permit to install" a septic tank prior to any work being conducted on the septic tank system and prior to the issue of your building permit and
  • A "Certificate approving use" of the septic tank prior to use of any part of the septic tank system and prior to the issue of your building certificate of occupancy.

Make your application for the septic system before the building permits to avoid complications and delays.

Download Permit to Install Septic Form

For further information regarding Septic Systems, contact the Environmental Health Team on 9742 0738.


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