dinosaur week 2025

Monday 5 May–Friday 9 May

Do like dinosaurs? Do you want to travel back in time to Jurassic Park? Did you know that in Australia, National Dinosaur Day is on the 7th May? Did you know Dinosaurs roamed the earth millions and millions of years ago. It is believed that dinosaurs became extinct over 65 million years ago, which was at the end of the Cretaceous Period.

So join us at the library to celebrate everything to do with Dinosaurs – stories, songs, craft, facts and more!

Borrow dinosaur books, get creative and have fun with dinosaur themed activities. 

Check out our Dinosaur book displays and join in a Scavenger Hunt.

Five awesome facts about dinosaurs. Did you know…?

  1. Stegosaurus had a brain the size of a walnut, measuring just three centimetres long and only weighing 75 grams. 
  2. The word dinosaur was coined by an English paleontologist.
    In 1842, Sir Richard Owen came up with this name after he had seen lots of dinosaur fossils being uncovered.
    He realised that all the fossils were connected in some way and came up with the name dinosaur or dinosauria. Derived from the Greek words deinos, meaning “terrible, horrible, great,” and sauros, meaning “lizard” (essentially, he named them horrible lizards and it caught on).
  3. The longest dinosaur name is Micropachycephalosaurus.
    The name Micropachycephalosaurus means "tiny thick-headed lizard"). The smallest dinosaur name is actually Yi consisting of only 2 letters, that’s 22 less letters than Micropachycephalosaurus!
  4. Minmi is a Queensland Ankylosaur from the Early Cretaceous which is 125 million years ago.
  5. Australia’s largest dinosaur fossil was found in South West Queensland. Australotitan Cooperensis is believed to have been 30 metres long and 6.5 metres high from the ground to its hip.

Find exciting dinosaur events at your local library. Come along and join in the fun!

Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by an adult when using the library and attending library programs. Come back closer to May to see the whole range of activities!


Enjoy some dinosaur activities made for you by library staff

PDF file Dinosaur Cartoon Drawing Challenge (PDF, 752.46 KB)
PDF file Dinosaur Colouring (PDF, 1 MB)
PDF file Dinosaur Trick Photography (PDF, 940.59 KB)
PDF file Dinosaur Word Find (PDF, 342.49 KB)
PDF file Paper dinosaur peg puppets (PDF, 1.13 MB)

Manor Lakes Library

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