A Community of Possibilities!

The Wyndham Municipal Public Health & Wellbeing Plan 2021-25 sets out the public health and wellbeing priorities that Council will pursue over the next four years. Health equity guides our plan. We take the long-term view to support improvements in health, safety, education, and environmental outcomes. Improving amenity and health and wellbeing is our primary objective.

Our community’s wellbeing is one of Wyndham’s greatest assets. The pandemic demonstrates just how important health is to our quality of life and overall wellbeing. We developed the Health Plan together with our community through the Help Shape Wyndham's Future project to ensure their aspirations for our City are delivered.

Four interrelated domains are tied together - Thriving, Liveable, Safe, Healthy - each essential to promote health and wellbeing, and responds to pandemic impacts. The measures vital to stop the spread of the virus adversely impacted individual and community wellbeing. The importance of maintaining mental wellbeing came to prominence during the pandemic and remains an ongoing pressing issue for everyone in our community.

In collaboration with our health sector and non-government partners we will drive this Health Plan to ensure that our community has the infrastructure and services it needs to pursue optimum health and wellbeing.

Download: Wyndham Municipal Public Health & Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025

Wyndham Health Forum February 2025

On 20 February 2025, round 45 local health and community service providers and internal Wyndham City Council staff participated in the Health Forum. This was a half day workshop, held to help Council finalise and prioritise health focus areas for the 2025-2029 Health Plan.

Download: Wyndham Health Forum - February 2025

Health Status Report 2023

This report has been in preparation of Council’s new Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2025-2029 and provides a wide-ranging overview of the Australian health system as it applies to Wyndham.

The report will assist council to determine and set the broad mission, goals and priorities for Wyndham to enable people to achieve optimum health and wellbeing.

Download: Health Status Report 2023

Annual Reports

Health Plan Forum Report

On 5 March 2024, 37 people participated in the Wyndham Health Plan Forum including, 15 health sector professionals and 22 council staff from a broad cross-section of the organisation. Together, participants Identified emerging issues and priorities for the remaining term of the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025.

Download: Health Plan Forum Report

Health Plan 2021-2025 Review

The Wyndham Health Plan was based on outcomes rather than a prescriptive action plan. We developed a Health Plan that ensured a cooperative approach with health and community sector agencies in Wyndham working together towards clear outcomes.

Download: Health Plan 2021-2025 Review

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