It is the responsibility of Builders to accustom themselves with the requirements at residential building sites and to ensure that their sites are kept in a clean and safe manner throughout the construction period.
Council’s Community Amenity Local Law (2023) administers the upkeep of building sites throughout the municipality and infringement notices can be issued for non-compliant sites.
Some of the common offence found at building sites are:
Prior to commencement of building works, 1.8 metre high temporary fencing must be erected around the entire site and maintained within the title boundaries of the allotment.
Fencing must:
- Not obstruct the footpath access (unless a Permit to Occupy Space on Council Land has been issued).
- Not be placed on any adjoining property that is not under the control/ownership of the same builder.
- remain erect and as close as possible to vertical.
If a builder wishes to temporarily remove the site fencing, then a request to remove must be in writing.
Fence cannot be removed until building is at final stage and all litter and external bin has been removed.
A sign must be seen from the front of the building site and must display (at a minimum):
- Builder’s name
- Phone number
- Lot number
- Street name
The sign must remain clearly visible, legible and on site until completion of the project.
Builders Refuse
Each site must have a refuse facility for containing litter from the day of commencement of building works.
The lid of the refuse facility must always be closed.
Refuse must not be deposited in, or on, any land other than the building site directly under the builder’s control. E.g. Any solid or liquid domestic or commercial waste, debris or rubbish.
Portable toilet must be on site when works have commenced. It must not be obstructed by building materials at the door/entry.
Portable toilet is not required if the dwelling is at lockup stage with a functioning toilet installed in the house.
Vehicle access
If a builder chooses to use a vehicle crossover protection, it must be maintained in a safe condition.
All vehicles must enter the building site via the single entry point crossover.
Polystyrene on Building Sites
Polystyrene must be:
- tied to the temporary fence (and bagged if necessary) within the building site until removal.
- removed from site within 48 hours of the completion of the slab pour.
A comprehensive summary of the Local Laws relating to building sites can be found in Council’s Community Amenity Local Law (2023) Part 4 – Construction and Building Sites.
We encourage Builders to contact Council to speak with a Local Law Officer about building site requirements: 1300 023 411.