Wyndham City provides a range of services to the local community, but there are many issues affecting our residents where we are reliant on other levels of government to fund the infrastructure and services our local community needs.

Securing Wyndham’s Future is council’s advocacy strategy which is updated regularly to reflect community needs and the government policy changes and funding we are advocating for. Find out what we need to help Wyndham secure its future as a liveable and prosperous city here:

Advocacy Strategy 2024-26

Wyndham Advocacy Campaigns

2025 - Federal Election

Contact Your Local Politician

Australian Federal Parliament – House of Representatives

Member for Lalor

Joanne Ryan
Tenancies 3 & 4, 203-205 Watton Street, Werribee VIC 3030
Phone 9742 5800
E-mail: Joanne.Ryan.MP@aph.gov.au

Member for Gellibrand

Tim Watts
97 Geelong Road, Footscray VIC 3011
Phone 9687 7661
E-mail: Tim.Watts.MP@aph.gov.au

Victorian State Parliament – Legislative Assembly

Member for Werribee

Tim Pallas
Shop 2, 56 - 58 Watton Street, Werribee 3030
Phone 9741 1133
Email: tim.pallas@parliament.vic.gov.au

Member for Laverton

Sarah Connolly
C1 Level 1, 100 Overton Rd, Williams Landing 3027
Phone 9916 1781
Email: Sarah.Connolly@parliament.vic.gov.au

Member for Point Cook

Mat Hilikari 

Suite 603, Level 1, Point Cook Town Centre,
2 Main Street Point Cook VIC 3030

Phone (03) 9395 0221
Email: mathew.hilakari@parliament.vic.gov.au

Member for Tarneit

Dylan Wight

188 Heaths Road, Hoppers Crossing, VIC 3029
Phone: (03) 9651 8206
Email: dylan.wight@parliament.vic.gov.au


State Parliament – Legislative Council

Western Metropolitan Region

Mr. Trung Luu
Shop 3, 1-13 Watton St, Werribee 3030
Phone 8742 3226

The Hon. Ingrid Stitt
Suite 2, 80 Carmody Dve, Cairnlea 3023
Phone 9363 1644
Email: Ingrid.Stitt@parliament.vic.gov.au

The Hon. Lizzie Blandthorn
75 Victoria Street Seddon VIC 3011
Phone: 03 9689 6373
Email: lizzie.blanthorn@parliament.vic.gov.au

Moira Deeming
Suite 1 and 2, Level 2, 13-15 Lake Street, Caroline Springs VIC 3023
Phone: 03 8363 0288
Email: moira.deeming@parliament.vic.gov.au

David Ettershank
Suite 101/19 Lacy Street, Braybrook VIC 3019
Phone: 03 9317 5900
Email: david.ettershank@parliament.vic.gov.au



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