Connecting Wyndham

This streamlined approach to road upgrades will focus on identifying sustainable funding mechanisms to support the upgrades and engaging the community on current and future road projects. The initiative aims to balance renewal and maintenance efforts with the city's growth investment needs.

Under a new 10-year plan, Wyndham City will:

  • Invest $140 million in road projects over the next three years
  • Invest $246.6 million over the next five years on 10 major road projects
  • Fund $102 million for a further four key projects within 5-10 years

Building a safer, better-connected future for Wyndham.

The roads designated for major upgrades and duplication were based on present and future traffic movement data and assessment of their current conditions. Wyndham City is also partnering with the Victorian Government on a $5 million citywide transport plan to look towards the next phase of road and transport projects.


  • Sustainable Funding: The streamlined approach will identify and secure sustainable funding mechanisms to support road upgrades, ensuring long-term financial viability.
  • Enhanced Community Engagement: By engaging with the community on current and future projects, residents will have a better understanding of the initiatives and can provide valuable feedback.
  • Balanced Investment: The program balances the needs for road renewal and maintenance with the demands of growth investment, ensuring a comprehensive approach to infrastructure development.
  • Improved Connectivity: The substantial investment in road projects will enhance connectivity across Wyndham, making it easier for residents to travel within the city.
  • Reduced Congestion: Targeted investments in major road projects aim to alleviate congestion, improving traffic flow and reducing travel times.
  •  Increased Safety: Upgraded roads will provide safer travel conditions for all road users, contributing to overall community well-being.
  • Transparency and Accountability: The initiative includes regular updates and transparent communication about project progress, fostering trust and accountability between the Council and the community.

Other Road Upgrades

In addition to these major projects in the Connecting Wyndham package, Wyndham City delivers an annual program of road upgrades and maintenance.

You can find out more about road upgrades and improvements in your local area, using our Capital Works Dashboard.

Local and State Roads

Not sure if a road is managed by Wyndham City or VicRoads?

Wyndham City Council is responsible for local roads, while the Victorian Government (VicRoads) is responsible for major roads in Wyndham, including freeways and arterial roads.

Check if a road is managed by Council or VicRoads

Roads Package years 1-3

Roads Package years 1-5

Roads Package 5-10 years

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