The Wyndham City Council has Sustainable Design Standards for the environmental performance of buildings. We share these standards with other Victorian councils.
When applying for a planning permit, development applications must incorporate environmentally sustainable development (ESD) information, under the Wyndham Planning Scheme, Clause 15.02L-01 – Environmentally Sustainable Development. You need to submit this information with your planning application.
The protection of our environment is an important global and local responsibility. We want to help lead the transformation in how we live and use our resources in the future.
Any new 'medium' or 'large' development must achieve best practice in environmentally sustainable development, from the design stage through to construction and operation.
Developments need to address our 10 key sustainable building categories.
Council can assist you to incorporate environmentally sustainable design into your development during the planning process. If you are preparing a planning application, we encourage you to come in for a pre-application meeting or speak to Council's Sustainability Department on 1300 023 411 to discuss your application for advice on ESD matters.
Type of Development |
Application Requirements |
Residential |
2 to 9 dwellings
Sustainable Design Assessment (SDA) - a simple sustainability assessment of a proposed design at the planning stage. |
10 or more dwellings |
Sustainability Management Plan (SMP) - a detailed sustainability assessment of a proposed design at the planning stage |
Non-Residential |
Sustainable Design Assessment |
Sustainable Management Plan |
Does my application need to address SDAPP?
The flow diagram presented below will help you determine what SDAPP category your development application falls within and what the associated ESD reporting requirements are.
Sustainable Design Assessment (SDA) for small scale development
A Sustainable Design Assessment (SDA) is a document that sets out the sustainable design features of a proposed development.
The Built Environment Sustainability Scorecard (BESS) can be used to undertake a Sustainable Design Assessment. Submit the BESS report and SDA with your planning application.
It is important that all relevant initiatives are clearly annotated on architectural drawings.
Sustainability Management Plan (SMP) for large scale development
A Sustainability Management Plan (SMP) is more detail than an SDA. It sets out the sustainable design features of large developments as defined in the above table, and it provides more information about how the performance outcomes will be achieved (including implementation schedules).
A BESS report alone will not satisfy the requirements for a Sustainability Management Plan.
The nature of larger developments provides the opportunity for increased environmental benefits and major resource savings. Hence, greater rigour in investigation is justified.
Preparation of a Sustainability Management Plan will generally require the engagement of a sustainability consultant.
Related documents
- Sustainable Design Assessment (SDA) for small scale (DOC, 659.21 KB)
- Sustainability Management Plan (SMP) for large scale development (DOC, 670.31 KB)