Parking and traffic laws exist to ensure the safe and fair use of Victoria's roads for the benefit of everyone. As a licensed driver, you are expected to be aware of the Road Safety Rules and adhere to them at all times. For further information, read Parking, The Road Rules and You

If you fail to obey the parking rules can lead to you receiving a parking infringement. If an infringement is not paid, statutory costs and legal action may result.

Wyndham City’s responsibility is to ensure:

  • Parking spaces are shared and rotated fairly by the community
  • Motor and pedestrian traffic is not obstructed or inconvenienced
  • Any danger caused by unsafe parking is minimised

Visit the VicRoads website for further details


Parking signs can apply to a length of road, an area or a car park. It is important that you look for signs when entering any street or car park. The sign may not be right next to your car. Make sure you clearly read every panel of the sign to ensure you where you have parked is legal.

Reading every panel of a multi-panel sign is vital. Each panel could contain information relating to the location in which you want to park your car. The panels with the arrows pointing towards your car will advise which restrictions apply to you. You should also remember that some areas can have several different types of restrictions in a single day i.e.: timed parking, permit zone, loading zone etc.

Information relating to the days and times of when restrictions apply can vary from location to location. Each sign will tell you when it applies. If no days and times are shown, the restriction applies 24 hours of every day of the year.

Parking signs should be checked every time you park your car, even if you are familiar with the area. Restrictions and/or the days and times when restrictions apply are occasionally amended to meet the changing needs of the community.

The following appeals would not be considered valid reasons for withdrawal of parking infringements:

  • Poor visibility due to weather
  • Not noticing a sign
  • Reading only part of a multi-panel sign
  • Being unable to read the sign from the front seat of the car
  • Forgetting to read the sign because you were concentrating on other things
  • Not noticing that a sign/restriction had been changed
  • Being new to the area and unfamiliar with the restrictions. This applies regardless of whether the driver is from Victoria, interstate or overseas
  • Wyndham City did not advise me of any signage changes
  • Everyone else was parked there

Parking Correctly

It is an offence to Double Park. When parking in a two-way street you must park on the left hand side of the road. Your vehicle must face the direction of travel, i.e. passenger side must be parked to the kerb and NOT the steering wheel side. You must park within the marked lines of the parking bay.

You cannot stop on a bicycle path, footpath, shared path, dividing strip, or a nature strip adjacent to a length of road in a built-up area, unless there is permissive signage. Please note that Wyndham City’s Local Laws also prohibit the sale of vehicles on roads or Council controlled land.

  • Footpath – You must not stop on a road in a position that obstructs access by vehicles or pedestrians to, or from, a footpath ramp or a similar way of access to a footpath. There is potential for pedestrians and others, particularly those in wheelchairs, motorised wheelchairs and prams to be obstructed
  • Driveway - You must not park across a driveway unless dropping off, or picking up passengers and must drive on as soon as possible within 2 minutes after stopping

The following appeals would not be considered valid reasons for withdrawal of parking infringements:

  • No one objected to me parking there
  • It is my driveway and I am not obstructing anyone
  • There was still room for a person to get through
  • I always park on the nature strip for safety because the road is busy
  • I have always parked on the nature strip
  • I parked my car on the nature strip so that people could see that it was for sale

‘No Stopping' versus 'No Parking'

No Stopping means no stopping at all - even if you are only letting someone out of the car, and regardless of whether you leave the engine running and stay in the car. Stopping on a length of road to which a 'No Stopping' sign applies is an offence, unless you are outside the times specified on the sign. You must not stop where there is a continuous yellow line painted on the edge of the road.

No Parking means that you must not stop on a length of road or in an area to which a no parking sign applies, unless the driver is dropping off or picking up, passengers or goods. The driver cannot leave the vehicle unattended and must complete the stop within 2 minutes or in accordance with what the sign indicates

The following appeals would not be considered valid reasons for withdrawal of parking infringements:

  • No Stopping
  • I only stopped to let my passenger out. I only stopped for 2 minutes
  • No Parking
  • I only left my vehicle to get my passengers or retrieve goods

Children Crossing

Stopping or parking your vehicle too close to a children’s crossing may mean that a child entering the crossing can't see or be seen by an approaching car. When a children’s' crossing is in operation (i.e. when the flags are displayed), you must not stop or park within 20 metres of the crossing on the approach side and 10 metres of the crossing on the departure side.

This means that even stopping momentarily to let a child out or pick a child up is an offence. These restrictions do not apply when the crossing is not operating and the flags are not displayed. However, if there is also a 'No Stopping' or 'No Parking' signs at the approach to the crossing you must obey it at all times.

In the interest of safety for the children and to avoid congestion, Infringement Notices for offences relating to Children’s crossings require officers to record the vehicle registration numbers and send infringements via mail.

I wanted to drop my children as close to the gate as possible is not considered a valid reason for withdrawal of the parking infringement.

Parking at Train Stations

Wyndham City does not have the authority to issue infringement notices or deal with other parking matters at Metro train station car parks.  The land is owned and managed by State Government.

To make a report of a parking issue at a Metro Train Station, please call Public Transport Victoria on 1800 800 007 or visit the Public Transport Victoria customer feedback page.

Wyndham City does have the authority to issue infringement notices and deal with other parking matters at Wyndham Vale and Tarneit train station car parks as these areas are gazetted.  

Whilst V/Line is responsible for determining parking restrictions and the installation of signs, our officers will be enforcing these restrictions.

Parking on Nature Strips

Council has a legal obligation to enforce the Victorian Road Rules, including those related to vehicles parking on nature strips.

Under State law, parking fully or partially on nature strips (whether it is grassed or another surface), regardless of the intention, is illegal.

Vehicles parked on the nature strip:

  • can cause major damage to public infrastructure, both above and below the ground;
  • may prevent emergency services personnel from accessing key infrastructure such as water, sewage, gas, telecommunications, and drainage pipes;
  • can pose increased safety risks for pedestrians as they are less visible to oncoming cars;
  • restricts safe access for wheelchair and pram users.

You can be issued with a parking infringement from Police, VicRoads and Council’s Authorised Officers if you park on nature strips.

Loading Zones

You can only stop in a Loading Zone if you are driving:

  • A truck or a G-classified vehicle that is constructed mainly for carrying goods or loads (not a sedan, station wagon or motorbike)
  • A public passenger vehicle or taxi
  • A courier or delivery vehicle permanently marked in accordance with specific Regulations (ask Wyndham City or VicRoads), and you are actually loading or delivering goods or picking up or setting down people

You cannot park your truck in a Loading Zone just because it's a truck. If there is no time limit on the sign, you can stop for a maximum of 30 minutes.

A privately registered vehicle stopping for a couple of minutes to drop off or pick-up passengers or goods is not a valid reason for the withdrawal of a parking infringement.


Permit Parking Zones

In areas where there is limited parking, Wyndham City may set aside parking areas for residents or other designated groups. Parking without a permit may be restricted or prohibited.

The following appeals would not be considered valid reasons for withdrawal of parking infringements:

  • Parked in a permit zone by mistake
  • Failing to display permit

Other Zones

You must not stop in a taxi or bus zone unless you are authorised to do so.

A privately registered vehicle stopping for a couple of minutes to drop off or pick-up passengers or goods is not a valid reason for the withdrawal of a parking infringement.

Disability Parking Permits

There are two types of parking permits for people with disabilities.

A person with a disability who holds only a green-on-white permit, or who does not hold any permit, must not park in the signed blue disabled parking bays. Holders of either permit can park for twice the time normally allowed in ordinary parking spaces.

A disabled parking permit must be displayed at the left side or centre of the front windscreen, so that the permit number and expiry date can be seen from outside. The driver must give his/her name and address and produce his/her driver's licence and the permit when asked to do so by police or an authorised officer.

Note: in order to be eligible to park twice the normal time you must initially pay for the full metered parking time displayed.

"I hold a green-on-white permit, but there were only blue on white parks available" is not considered a valid reason for the withdrawal of a parking infringement.

Find out more about applying for a Disability Parking Permit

Other Permit Zones

There are Business Permit Zones allocated along Old Geelong Road/Princes Highway and within the Wyndham Cultural Centre carpark located on Watton Street.   Only people who have an approved permit from Wyndham City are eligible to park in this area.

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