Wyndham City introduced a portfolios system, with a goal of focusing extra attention on the key priority areas of our City.

These portfolios focus on key strategic areas of policy development as detailed in the Wyndham 2040 Community Vision.

Following Council’s comprehensive review of Wyndham 2040 Community Vision and the preparation of a new Council Plan in 2021, Council will establish portfolio committees comprising community members and individuals with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the area of their portfolios.

These committees will provide advice on a range of strategies and policies that contribute to making Wyndham a great place to live, work and play.

Portfolio Committee Members

We would like to extend our thank you to all the people who had applied to be part of the Portfolio Advisory Committees.

There were some very experienced applicants which reflects the passion and depth of knowledge we have available to us in Wyndham which was wonderful to see.

Creative City

This portfolio centres around creating opportunities for local artists and developing placemaking initiatives, new creative hubs and platforms where local artists can grow their practice and engage with new audiences.

Portfolio holder – Cr Marcel Mahfoud

Creative City Portfolio Committee

  • Paul Zahra
  • Daniella Acciarito
  • Les Sanderson
  • Peter Ross
  • Senthill Sundaram
  • Skye Higgs
  • Jacqui Burley
  • Mandy Croker
  • Mathew Taylor
  • Syeda Bahadur

Active City

This portfolio centres around fostering an active community where the community has opportunities to stay fit and healthy through leisure facilities, sport, clubs and associations, and access to active transport infrastructure.

Portfolio holder – Cr Peter Maynard

Destination Wyndham

This portfolio celebrates the many tourism attractions Wyndham has to offer and explores ways Wyndham can continue to attract visitors and businesses to the region by developing strategies to capitalise on Wyndham's natural assets and local attractions.

Portfolio holder – Cr Heather Marcus OAM 

Destination Wyndham Portfolio Committee

  • Tevita Lesuma
  • Craig Bray
  • Adrian Dent
  • Cathy Nixon
  • Lance Pritchard
  • Chris Pavlidis
  • Ian Else
  • Agnes Misiurny
  • Sarah Allen
  • David Tran
  • Nurul Khan
  • Thomas Wain

Climate Futures and Environment

This portfolio focuses on working with the community and other stakeholders to respect, preserve and protect our local environment, including renewable energy, recycling, habitat conservation, waste and water conservation practices and commitment to combatting climate change.

Portfolio holder – Cr Robert Szatkowski

Climate Futures Portfolio Committee

  • John Marks
  • Dr Will Buchanan
  • Nusrat Islam
  • Jess Fairfax
  • Carole Popham
  • Lisa Field
  • Paula McGlashan
  • Jo Creek
  • Ian Dollery
  • Mark Isaacs

Smart City

This portfolio explores and embraces new and emerging technologies to create and deliver sustainable ‘leading edge’ smart city solutions.

Portfolio holder – Cr Sahana Ramesh

Community Safety

This portfolio is leading efforts to improve the safety of people in their homes and neighbourhoods by exploring, implementing and advocating for programs to intervene or prevent crime, raise community safety awareness and improve perceptions of safety.

Portfolio holder – Cr Susan McIntyre

Learning City

This portfolio aims to develop a better understanding of the diverse learning needs of residents in Wyndham and create learning environments that promote civic and social participation, fosters thinking and innovation, ensures equity and inclusion, and are localised and place based.

Portfolio holder

Learning City Portfolio Committee

  • Hanan Khalil
  • Reece Gains
  • Osemwonyemwen Oshodin
  • Gail Bray
  • Megan Hortle
  • Carolyn Chong
  • John Sheen
  • Luz Sanguansri
  • Alaine Beek
  • Laban Toose
  • Lynnel Hoare
  • Kelvin Small

Welcoming City

This portfolio aims to celebrate and promote the cultural diversity of our City and create a more welcoming Wyndham that fosters greater economic and social outcomes and opportunities.

Portfolio holder – Cr Jennie Barrera - Mayor

Healthy City

This portfolio aims to implement initiatives, programs and services that create a better, healthier place for all residents, regardless of their age, gender, cultural background, or socio-economic status.

Portfolio holder – Cr Adele Hegedich

Future Focused Economy

This portfolio focuses on developing strategies and policies that focus on employment, attracting new industries to Wyndham, and developing businesses.

Portfolio holder – Cr Mia Shaw

City Design

This portfolio focuses on establishing policies to create more liveable, better designed and well-connected neighbourhoods through mixed land use, different housing types and greater access to quality public transport. It also focuses on ways to manage growth and ensure that development is sustainable.

Portfolio holder – Cr Josh Gilligan - Deputy Mayor

City Design Portfolio Committee

  • Leuma Suisuiki
  • Kavita Sonar
  • Rosemary Lowe
  • Erum Maqsood
  • Mohammed M Hossain
  • Shannon McGuire
  • Gurdev Singh Rattan
  • Aaron An
  • Tully Smith
  • Jazeer Nijamudeen
  • Shwetali Sawant
  • Karthick Thanigaimani

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