Join Tegan Crosbie for a fun, creative, and mindful morning creating custom watercolour affirmation cards. The workshop will guide you through the process of creating a set of your own 6-10 affirmation cards to use for mindfulness, reflection, and intention setting.

Please note this is an adult event and those under 18 will not be admitted. 


About Tegan

Hello there, I'm Tegan Crosbie a painter based in the beautiful goldfields town of Ballarat, Victoria.

By day I am a secondary school art teacher and by night I'm a sneaky artist! It has been years since I have got my hands dirty and made my own art for real. But when forced into isolation due to our friend Miss Covid, I found myself with time on my hands to create and so this side hustle began!

Natures unique and quirky beauty has inspired my collection of botanical pieces along with my perpetual love of colour.

I paint because I enjoy it, I find it therapeutic and restorative. The fact that others enjoy my work is a wonderful bonus. The thought of you hanging a piece of my art on you wall is both humbling and a great honor. 

My pledge is to make affordable pretty things to adorn your walls, to brighten your space and make your house a home.

Peace and much love. 


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Date and time
1/101 Overton Rd
Williams Landing
VIC 3027
Wyndham City Libraries

8734 8999



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