Join author Shemsiya Waritu, an international motivational speaker, influential community leader, life empowerment mentor, facilitator, and entrepreneur, as she takes you on a riveting journey of empowerment and inspiration. Explore the transformative experiences that have shaped her path and learn how to unlock your own potential along the way.

This event is part of the Library of Stories, celebrating local community members and their story.

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About the book:

Untouched Gold: A True Story About Taking A Risk On Yourself

I am a star. That is what my friends and even strangers who’ve just met me have said. I was ‘born with it’, they would say. “You’re so confident. You are smart! We could never do what you do. We don’t have the gift you have, and we could never be like you.” When. I listened to these words I couldn’t help but feel like a fraud. I would smile at them on the outside but tell myself on the inside that they were just trying to boost me up and make me feel better about myself. I knew they couldn’t be right because as confident as I may have looked to them, I didn’t’ t feel there was anything special about me.

They didn’t know how many times I struggled to see my own qualities or how many times I would deliberately hold myself back from what life had to offer me. I felt like if the people who praised me knew who I ‘really’ was, they would see that I wasn’t that special person. I was not the star who was ‘born with it’.

I didn’t know it yet, but what I uncovered as people praised me, was the beginning of the greatest discovery of my life. This is what motivates me to write this story — for you.


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Date and time
Pacific Werribee Shopping Centre
Level 1, Derrimut Road
Hoppers Crossing
Wyndham City Libraries

8734 8999



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