Two groups of people sitting on chairs in a circle having a conversation

Do you have an interesting story to tell?

Wyndham is a diverse, connected and vibrant community where everyone has a story to tell. Through listening and sharing we can foster understanding and build a more inclusive and compassionate world for all.    

Our ‘Living Books’ will share life stories and experiences that celebrate the community, culture and history of Wyndham through a variety of digital and in person formats.   

There will be opportunities to share stories one-on-one or in small groups at community events. We are also exploring capturing stories in digital formats using text, images, audio and video with interested participants.   

All ‘Living Books’ will undertake training over three evenings to understand the program, connect with other community members and build confidence and skills in storytelling.

About Human Libraries 

We have taken inspiration from the Human Library Organisation in developing our very own Wyndham Library of Stories project. To better understand what a Human Library is view the video below. 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the Wyndham Library of Stories project?

Our vision for the Wyndham Library of Stories is to collate and share stories that celebrate the community, culture and history of Wyndham and provide a safe and welcoming space to learn and exchange ideas. 

We are inviting people to join our Wyndham Library of Stories as ‘Living Books’ to share their life experiences and stories through conversations with ‘Readers’ at community events or visits to community groups or services.   

We are also exploring ways to capture the ‘Living Book’ stories digitally through text, images, audio and video formats to be shared with the community. 

What is a ‘Living Book’?

A ‘Living Book’ is someone who shares their story and has a conversation one on one or in a small group with ‘Readers’. A 'Reader' is someone who participates in a one-on-one or small group conversation with a ‘Living Book’. The conversations will take place at hosted community events or visits to community groups or services. 

What kinds of stories can be shared?

Wyndham is a diverse, connected and vibrant community with many stories to tell. We are looking for people to share the following experiences and stories: 

  • People who have experiences or stories that help the community learn about the people and communities that make up Wyndham 

  • People, groups or organisations that have worked on projects to connect community and celebrate the diversity of Wyndham 

  • Stories that share the histories of the spaces, places and people of Wyndham  

  • Any other interesting and inspiring story that helps celebrate the community, cultures and history of Wyndham 

Do you need to live in Wyndham to participate?

We are looking to hear from anyone that has a connection to Wyndham whether it is residing, studying, working or playing.

What events would I participate in as a ‘Living Book’?

Events will be hosted by Wyndham City Council and may include dedicated community events and visits to community groups or services. Events and visits will take place on weekdays and weekends, both during the day and in the evening, to ensure everyone can participate. All timings are to be confirmed. 

How will I be supported as a ‘Living Book’?

Training will be provided over three Wednesday evenings at Hoppers Crossing Library. The sessions will be an opportunity to learn about the Library of Stories program, connect with the other participants, develop a story on a page and build confidence and skills in storytelling.

  • Training Day One: Wednesday 31 July, 6.30–8.30pm
  • Training Day Two: Wednesday 7 August, 6.30–8.30pm
  • Training Day Three: Wednesday 14 August, 6.30–8.30pm

Are 'Living Books' official Council volunteers, and will I get paid?

The Library of Stories project is a pilot and ‘Living Books’ will not be official Wyndham City Council volunteers. There will be no payment however we can support participation in the project in the form of travel reimbursements. All ‘Living Books’ receive a certificate of participation and invitation to the thank you event on Wednesday 18 September at Hoppers Crossing Library.

How do I express my interest, and when does it close?

We are inviting interested people to fill in an expression of interest form to become a 'Living Book' between Thursday 30 May and Wednesday 10 July. Please scroll up the page to find the button for the form.

What will happen after I fill out the expression of interest form?

After the expression of interest form is received, you’ll be invited to talk to a staff member over the phone or in person about the project, why you would like to get involved and the story you’d like to share.   

Expressions of interest close Wednesday 10 July and everyone will be notified whether they have been successful in joining the program by 16 July.  At this stage, all participants will be invited to attend the training and will receive a handbook to read beforehand. 

Who can I contact for further information?

Nadine Ford, Coordinator Learning Programs at

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