We know that there is a lot to be across when running your small business, and that is why the Australian Tax Office have developed an online learning platform and series of masterclasses 

They were co-created with small businesses and educational experts to deliver learning that can be customised, depending on each stage of a business’s life cycle, structure and industry. 

You can access free and flexible online courses to sharpen your knowledge of tax, super and the core aspects of effective small business management. 

The masterclasses are a great opportunity to take your online learning further, you can ask questions particular to your small business needs and hear from others. 

To get the most from the masterclass make sure you complete the online learning before attending, our courses are short and easy to follow. 

This session is one of the 6 session series delivered by the Wyndham City Council and the Australian Tax Office.

The following are upcoming topics also available for you to book now:

  • Masterclass – Using your business money and assets – Wed 13 November 2024
  • Masterclass – Hiring & paying workers – Wed 2 April 2025
  • Masterclass – Claiming small business tax deductions - Wed 14 May 2025
Date and time
Wyndham City’s Economic Development Unit

9742 8170 or email business@wyndham.vic.gov.au



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