From Tuesday 17 September 2024 to 6pm Saturday 26 October, Wyndham City will be entering into the Election Period for the October 2024 (Local Government) Council election. The Local Government Act 2020 provides direction about what kind of information can be published by Council or published using Council resources during the Election Period.

In order to avoid any potential breaches of the Act, all material published to Council website & social media, including event submissions, comments on posts, will be closely moderated to ensure they adhere to the Act.

Any comments or posts that contain electoral matter or could be perceived to be related to an electoral campaign will be removed from Council’s social media pages. Electoral matter is defined as anything which is intended or likely to affect voting in an election.

During this time we will not be able to respond your questions/comments via our social media channels however you can contact us via phone on 1300 023 411 live chat on our website at or by email directly to

Council’s social media will resume regular operation from 11.59pm Saturday 26 October.

For more information on the Council election visit

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