Household Bin Services
Wyndham City currently offers three waste collection services to most households.
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There will be no bin collections on Good Friday, 18 April 2025. As a result, if your collection day is usually Friday, your bins will be collected on the following day, Saturday 19 April 2025.
Please note all bins will be collected as normal on Easter Monday.
Wyndham City currently offers three waste collection services to most households.
Wyndham City offers most Wyndham households three free hard and green waste collection services each financial year.
Request an additional or new bin, cancelling a optional bin collection, reporting a missing or damaged bin.
Before looking to dispose of items, please think how you could reduce the amount of waste you are creating or could you (or a friend, neighbour or family members) reuse items instead of throwing them away?
OPEN: Transfer Station: Monday to Friday: 8am to 4pm, Saturday: 8:30am to 4pm, Sunday: 8:30am to 4pm
CLOSED: Good Friday, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day
From ewaste & clothing drop offs, to compost bins to chemical drop off sites to recycling stations at your local Community Centres, there are many other ways you can recycle your waste.
The Green Living Map is a great way for community to connect with Wyndham’s diverse and beautifully unique natural environment and get involved with the amazing local groups running community gardens, seed sharing and markets and swaps.
The Wyndham Zero Waste Map will help you find services or locations within Wyndham where you can take commonly used household items to be recycled, such as cardboard, electrical waste, clothing & more
The Green Living series includes a mixture of community and council run events with a range of exciting workshops and events hosted by passionate and knowledgeable presenters or community.
Wyndham City has ambitious targets to both improve our community’s recycling and waste diversion.
Last year saw an average of 120 babies born per week in Wyndham, with this comes a lot of disposable nappies!
Wyndham City Council recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first Peoples of Australia. We acknowledge the Bunurong and Wadawurrung Peoples as Traditional Owners of the lands on which Wyndham City operates. The Wadawurrung and Bunurong Peoples have and always will belong to the Werribee Yalook (river), creeks, stars, hills and red clay of this Country. We pay respect to their Ancestors and Elders who always have, and always will, care for Country and community today and for future generations.