Wyndham City Council provides direct support services including free Community Counselling, food relief with the Food Bank at the Youth Resource Centre and information and referrals via the Community Connector.

You can find a range of further support networks and contacts below, including 24-hour family violence and mental health support.

Wyndham City Support Services

Community Connector

Wyndham Council has a dedicated team who can help you find and connect with local service options. We can connect you to support services and information on many topics, such as: food relief, mental health support, family and youth support, rent assistance and homelessness, international students, support while in isolation or quarantine, council services, and more.

If you need support, but are unsure of where to start, email us at communityconnector@wyndham.vic.gov.au or call Wyndham Council on (038734 4514 and ask to speak to the Community Connector.

Community Connector form

Community Support Groups and Services

Alcohol Support Services





Adolescent Community Program (Western Health Drug Services)

  • Assessment, alcohol and drug counselling and treatment, and secondary consultation service for professionals.
  • Young people with substance use issues or their families

T. (03) 8345 6682


Al-Anon Family Groups

  • Help for families and friends of alcoholics recover from the effects of living with someone whose drinking is a problem
  • For affected others – problem of alcoholism in a relative or friend

T. 1300 252 666
A/H. (03) 8772 2017
Office: (03) 9629 8900


Alcoholics Anonymous Australia

  • Meetings for people to share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

T. 1300 222 222


Alcohol and Drug Foundation / Australian Drug Foundation




The Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) is Australia’s leading organisation committed to preventing alcohol and other drug harms in our communities.

Help for individuals and organisations, including:

  • resources for an event
  • Alcohol and other drug (AOD) resources for clients
  • AOD sector updates
  • school projects
  • help with research
  • reliable information and advice on talking to your children about alcohol and other drugs
  • resources to help run a drug education class
  • comprehensive information on how a drug could affect you
  • help for yourself, a friend or family member.

T. 1300 85 85 84


Alcoholics Anonymous Victoria

  • Fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism

M. 0412 105 709


Anglicare Victoria

  • Drug & Alcohol services
  • Ages 12-25
  • Alcohol and drug support
  • Youth drug and alcohol programs
  • Adult drug and alcohol programs
  • Family drug and alcohol programs

T. 1800 809 722
Office. (03) 9731 2500




Australian Community Support Organisation (ACSO)

ACSO is an entry point for Drug and Alcohol services for voluntary clients i.e. they are getting help for themselves


COATS – Community Offender Advice and Treatment Service provide forensic intake and assessment services, administering treatment pathways for clients in contact with the Justice System or at risk of coming into contact with the Justice System

T. (03) 9413 7000

F. (03) 9413 9189





Better Health Channel


Victorian State Government website with health information (managed by the Victorian Department of Health)



CatholicCare Wyndham Vale


  • Alcohol and drug information service
  • Drug and alcohol counselling service

T. 03 9216 7777




Counselling Online (by Turning Point)

  • 24-hour/7 free drug and alcohol counselling
  • Allows you to communicate with a professional counsellor about your own alcohol and drug use or that of someone you care about
  • You can chat to a counsellor – get help by chatting online to a counsellor
  • Email a counsellor – get help and email your questions



Crookes Counselling and Consulting Services

  • Drug and alcohol counselling service

T. 9742 3500



Direct Line


  • 24-hour, 7-day counselling, information and referral service
  • State-wide telephone and online service supporting people seeking information, advice and referrals for drug and alcohol concerns

T. 1800 888 236


Drug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service (DACAS)


  • 24/7 telephone advisory service
  • AOD information
  • Clinical resources

T. 1800 812 804


dacasenquiries@turningpoint.org.au (for providing feedback only)


Drug and alcohol research connections

  • Joint publication of the collaborative network of alcohol and other drug research centres



Family Drug Support Australia



  • 24-hour support to families and friends of drug and alcohol users
  • National service
  • Help dealing with drug and alcohol use in families. Support groups, education programs, counselling and bereavement services for families also available.

24/7 T. 1300 368 186




Family Drug Support Online – https://www.fdsonline.org.au/


Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE)



Independent, not-for-profit organisation working to stop the harm caused by alcohol

Support world-leading research, raise public awareness and advocate for changes to alcohol policy

Health promotion campaigns:

  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) – National awareness campaign for pregnancy and breastfeeding women
  • Pregnant Pause – community supporting mums-to-be to go alcohol free
  • Third Of Men (TOM) – online campaign supporting meant to reduce their alcohol use
  • Effective health warning labels
  • Game Changer+ media literacy program
  • End Alcohol Advertising in Sport
  • Women Want to Know – education for medical professionals about the effects of alcohol consumption during pregnancy and encouraging them to relay this information to their patients
  • Prevention 1st – campaign calling on all Australian governments and political parties to commit to a strong preventive health agenda around alcohol
  • Alcohol Truth - campaign that puts the facts at the forefront of discussion on alcohol

T. 02 6122 8600

























Healthdirect Australia


  • 24-hour health advice
  • Registered nurse on call
  • Leading provider of telehealth in Australia

T. 1800 022 222


IPC Health Hoppers Crossing and Wyndham Vale


  • Alcohol and drug information service
  • Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment

T. 8734 1400

T.  9296 1228



headspace Werribee


  • Drug and alcohol counselling service
  • Drug and alcohol support group service

T. 8001 2366



Hello Sunday Morning



  • Self-help resources
  • Hello Sunday Morning Daybreak app: designed to assist people in changing their relationship with alcohol.
  • Includes access to private chats with professional Daybreak coaches, an anonymous and supportive community and a comprehensive library of behavioural experiments, built by clinicians.







  • Alcohol Harm Reduction Programs

T. 8312 8805


Joseph’s Corner


  • Not-for-profit support service for families living with alcohol and drug addiction

T. 9315 2680



Kids Helpline



  • Online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5-25
  • My Circle
  • 6-week program Alcohol and Other Drugs Circle
  • For ages 13-25
  • Information and activities on alcohol and other drugs
  • Discussions
  • Led by a My Circle Counsellor

T. 1800 55 1800

General Enquiries: (07) 3368 3399

Webchat available







Mackillop Family Services


Assistance to families experiencing alcohol or other drug misuse.

T. 9680 8444



Merri Health



  • Young people 16 – 25 years alcohol and drugs counselling and support
  • LGBTIQA+ alcohol and drugs counselling and support

T. 1300 637 744






  • Alcohol-free events for young people between 13 and 19
  • Targeted at LGBTQIA+ youth, but any youth can attend




National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline

  • Support, information, counselling and referrals to services
  • Offer services for individuals, family and friends, general practitioners, other health professionals, business and community groups
  • Will direct you to your state service

24/7 T. 1800 250 015


National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC)

Research institution

T. (02) 9385 0333



NOFASD Australia

(Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder)

  • Helpline, advisory and referral service
  • Latest FASD information
  • Community, digital and service provider education and training and training services
  • Family-focused organisation linking those with lived experience with researchers and clinicians

T. 1800 860 613


North and West Metro Alcohol & Drug Service – South West Catchment

  • Are the best entry point for professionals wanting to find out about which service they should be contacting?
  • Information and assessments to help you get the right help
  • Intake and assessment
  • Counselling
  • Care and recovery coordination
  • Non-residential withdrawal

T. 1800 700 514


Odyssey House Victoria

  • Therapeutic community = a type of residential rehabilitation program, a peer led recovery program from alcohol and other drug dependence.
  • Residential rehabilitation
  • Community services including counselling and support, day rehabilitation, financial counselling, youth & family services
  • Education services including drink & drug driver behaviour change programs and Odyssey Institute (training programs for professionals)

T. 9420 7600



Odyssey House and Anglicare Discovery Program

Alcohol and Other Drug community-based treatment program

T. (03) 9731 2500

Intake & Assessments: 1800 700 514


Positive Mind Works

Online counselling and psychology service

T. 1800 327 477


Russell Family Fetal Alcohol Disorders Association




National not-for-profit health promotion charity dedicated to ensuring that individuals affected prenatally by alcohol have access to diagnostic services, support and multidisciplinary management planning in Australia and that carers and parents are supported with a “no blame no shame” ethos



Self Help Addiction Resource Centre (SHARC)



  • Self-help approaches to recovery from severe alcohol and drug related issues
  • Telephone helpline
  • Web-based information services
  • Community based train programs and support groups across Victoria

T.  9573 1700

24/7 Family Drug & Gambling Helpline

T. 1300 660 068



Task Force


Core services focus on addressing social issues of alcohol and other drug dependence, unemployment, youth disengagement and high-risk taking behaviours, supporting clients to transition back into “mainstream” services and supports.

T. 9532 0811

F. 9532 1830

E. enquiries@taskforce.org.au



The First Stop



  • Information for people affected by a friend on family member’s alcohol or other drug use
  • Information on support and treatment services funded by the Victorian and Australian governments




The Nyalima Project

A community-based organisation working with women and young people of Cultural and Linguistic Diversity (CALD) and Migrant Backgrounds. We provide Life Skills Programs and Workshops to create a platform to encourage young people to learn new skills, challenge themselves and break barriers to achieving their full potential. We also work with other community organisations in raising awareness of Mental Health and Alcohol & other Drugs affecting migrant communities to create awareness, reduce stigma and break barriers to seeking help and support.

M. 0415 032 844

(Founder and director of this project - Josie Swaray – Secretary at Mental Health Foundation Australia)



The Salvation Army



Eunike (North and West Metropolitan area)

Alcohol and other drugs supported accommodation for women experiencing housing, alcohol and other drug issues

T. 1800 888 236





Turning Point

Alcohol & Drug Centre / Online Professional Drug and Alcohol Counselling



  • National addiction treatment centre
  • For people adversely affected by alcohol, drugs and gambling
  • Drug and alcohol counselling
  • Online counselling
  • Counselling online forum – peer support forum
  • Self-help modules
  • SMS – Making a change program

T. 8413 8413

T. 03 8413 8444

T. 1800 888 236



Uniting Care ReGen


Alcohol and Drug Treatment and Education Service

T. 1800 700 514

F. 9383 6705



Youth Support & Advocacy Service





Drug and alcohol programs for people aged 12 – 21 years

  • Support and referral
  • Day program
  • Outreach
  • Home-based withdrawal and primary health support
  • Residential withdrawal
  • Residential rehabilitation
  • Bunjilwarra Koori youth alcohol and drug healing service
  • Supported accommodation
  • Specialist programs

T. 1800 458 685

T. 9415 8881



Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association Inc. (VAADA)



  • Leadership, representation, advocacy and information to the alcohol and other drug related sectors
  • Publications, news and events

T. 9412 5600




Western Integrated Drug and Alcohol Network (Western Health, Djerriwarrah Health, ISIS Primary Care, Western Region Health, Macedon Ranges and North Western Melbourne Medicare Local)

  • Care & Recovery Co-ordination
  • Counselling
  • Non-Residential Withdrawal



Women’s Alcohol & Drug Service (WADS)

State-wide drug and alcohol service providing specialist clinical services to pregnant women with complex substance use and alcohol dependence.

T. 8345 3931


GP Quick Access (GP only)

T. 8345 2058




WynBay Blue Light

Events provide the opportunity for young children to mingle with Police Officers in a safe, drug and alcohol-free environment

M. 0402 956 857


Wyndham Clinic Private Hospital


In-patient Drug and Alcohol Detox and Rehabilitation Treatment Service

T. 9731 6646

F. 9749 0972



Wyndham Liquor Accord

  • Wyndham Liquor Forum brings together licensees of hotels, licensed restaurants, licenced cafes, licenced clubs, packaged liquor outlets, cinemas and sporting clubs in agreement on how alcohol can be sold and distributed in a responsible way, while maximising the safety and enjoyment of staff, patrons and community members.
  • Supported by Victoria Police, the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation and Wyndham City Council.

Can connect in with James


Youth Drugs and Alcohol Advice (YoDAA)

(Funded by YSAS)

Information and support for young people or someone concerned

Youth AOD advice

T. 1800 458 685

Other enquiries (03) 9415 8881


Youth Solutions


Drug and alcohol prevention, education and health promotion

T. (02) 4628 2319



National Relay Service

To help callers with a hearing or speech impairment

  • TTY users, call 
  • T. 133 677, then ask for
  • T. 1800 458 685
  • Speak and Listen users, call 1300 555 727,
  • then ask for
  • T. 1800 458 685

Internet relay users, connect to the National Relay Service (NRS), then ask for

T. 1800 458 685


Translating and Interpreting Service


24/7 service for callers who speak other languages

T. 131 450


Alcohol infographics and resources




Dry July




Alcohol Guidelines

Information about alcohol



Order/purchase physical posters and flyers

Alcohol and Drugs



Alcohol and drug foundation shop

Purchase pamphlets, posters and cards etc.


Alcohol and Drug Foundation Shop

Alcohol Information and Fact sheets

What is Alcohol? & Effects of Alcohol?

Alcohol – How drugs affect you?

Mixing Alcohol with Drugs? 



Resources and support

To help give up alcohol and stay sober



Alcohol harm prevention Videos

Alcohol harm prevention videos



Alcohol Statistics Website

AODstats provides information on the harms related to alcohol, illicit and pharmaceutical drug use in Victoria. It is obtained from numerous sources, ranging from government departments to drug and alcohol treatment agencies. Ambulance data are obtained from Turning Point’s Ambo Project: Alcohol and Drug-Related Ambulance Attendances.

This information provides a convenient statistical and epidemiological resource for policy planners, drug service providers, health professionals and other key stakeholders. The data and maps build on and update information previously provided in text format, deliver the most recent data available and provide a monitoring tool for alcohol and drug trends.

Visit https://aodstats.org.au

You can subscribe to the AODstats mailing list website https://aodstats.org.au/about/updates.


Back Your Neighbour - Supporting People Seeking Asylum

Local Government Mayoral Taskforce Supporting People Seeking Asylum

Wyndham City have joined the Back Your Neighbour campaign along with a growing number of local councils, groups, organisations and individuals asking the Australian Government to provide certainty, safety and support for our neighbours, friends and community members seeking asylum.

Asylum-seekers are highly vulnerable individuals and families, living in a constant state of uncertainty and denied access to critical support services such as Centrelink, Medicare, public housing, education, mental health and food. 

Australians support each other in hard times and we are asking the Federal Government to play its part in creating a community where we are all respected.

We are calling on the Federal Government to:

  1. Provide everyone with a valid visa with work, travel, and study rights.
  2. Expand the Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) eligibility criteria and simplify the application process so that people in need can access health care, disability, housing support and other essential services.
  3. Ensure an independent, timely and fair application and merits review process for all humanitarian applications.
  4. Provide people who have received a negative refugee determination under the ‘Fast Track’ system with a fair review process.
  5. Continue to invest resources to urgently clear the backlog of asylum applications and appeals.
  6. Abolish temporary visas and replace them with permanent protection visas and pathways to citizenship for all humanitarian arrivals.

How can you help?

Join us in backing our neighbours, friends, and local community members when they need us most by signing the petition.

For more information and to sign the petition.

Sign Petition

Thank you for your support.

Emergency Relief, Food Bank and Material Aid

Uniting Wyndham
1 Duncans Rd, Werribee

Food parcels/food vouchers and material aid

Monday -Friday


Ph:  03 9051 2000 or SMS: 0468 605 015

Call to make an appointment

View: Uniting website
Salvation Army
211 Watton St, Werribee

Community Support and Emergency Relief


Monday, Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday 9.30am – 2pm

Ph: 03 9731 1344

Call to make an appointment

View: Salvation Army website
Werribee Baptist Church
225 Heaths Road, Werribee
Food reliefPh: 03 9749 3166Email: office@werribeebaptist.org.au
Wynlife / Foodbank Manor Lakes
Manor Lakes Community Learning Centre, 86-100 Manor Lakes Blvd, Wyndham Vale

Food relief

Wednesday 12noon - 1.30am

Ph: 8734 8934

View: Community Food Assistance Facebook

Email: foodbank@wynlife.com.au

Community Store
Wyndham Park Community Centre
55/57 Kookaburra Avenue, Werribee

Food relief

Thursday 9:30am – 12pm

Ph: 03 8742 3975Email: admin@wyndhamparkcc.com.au
Tarneit Food Bank
Penrose Promenade Community Centre, 83 Penrose Promenade, Tarneit
Registrations  9am

Food relief 10am-11am
Ph: 03 8734 4500Email: penrosepromenadecc@wyndham.vic.gov.au
Wyndham Youth Services Foodbank
Youth Resource Centre 86 Derrimut Rd, Hoppers Crossing
Food Relief for young people (12 -25 years)Ph: 03 8734 1355Email: YouthInWyndham@Wyndham.vic.gov.au

Sikh Community of Western Victoria

560 Davis Road


Cooked meals (vegetarian)

Monday- Sunday

10am – 8pm

Gurpreet Singh 0422025217

Sandeep Singh 0433 003 309

Pritam Singh 0421138113

Point Cook Foodbank 
7 Adelphi Boulevard Point Cook, Along Sneydes Road near to Alamanda Entrance

Food Relief

Sundays, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (during Victorian School term)


email:  foodpantry@crossculturepointcook.au 


Family and Social Support






Financial Counselling

Family support and counselling

Foster and out of home care

9731 2500


Odyssey Victoria

Alcohol and Other Drugs counselling and support

Intake & Assessment: 1800 700 514


Caroline Chisolm

Family Support – Pregnancy to 5 years

& Engaging Wyndham Families program

9361 7000


Drummond Street Services

Child & Family Mental Health


 9663 6733



Gambling Help Online   Free support for anyone affected by gambling.1800 858 858https://www.gamblinghelponline.org.au/

Mackillop Family Services

Parenting support

9680 8444 and ask for the parenting team



Carers Victoria


Telephone or online counselling sessions for carers requiring support

1800 514 845


My Aged Care

Find and access the government-funded aged care services

1800 200 422


Seniors Online

Elder Abuse Information and support



Seniors Rights service

Elder Abuse Information and support



Department of Families, Fairness and Housing

Elder Abuse Information and support



Family Violence Support Services

The Orange Door – Western Melbourne15-17 Watton Street WerribeeInformation, support and referral1800 271 045 (M-F 9am-5pm)www.orangedoor.vic.gov.au
Safe Steps24-hour crisis support line1800 015 188



1800 RESPECTNational Counselling Helpline1800 737 732



GenWestSupport, information and referral

1800 436 937


Men’s Referral ServiceSupport service for men who want to change their violent behaviour1300 766 491 

Kids Helpline

Child First

Counselling helpline

Support service for children and families

1800 55 1800

1300 775 160


Werribee Police StationPolice station helpdesk, 24 hours

9742 9444


Child FirstSupport service for children and families1300 775 160 
Wyndham North PolicePolice station helpdesk

8734 1100


WestCASASupport and counselling for sexual assault

9216 0444 (9am – 5pm)

Afterhours Sexual Assault Crisis Line number is: 1800 806 292


WestJusticeFree legal advice on a broad range of everyday problems.    9749 7720https://www.westjustice.org.au/
Seniors OnlineElder Abuse Information and supporthttps://www.seniorsonline.vic.gov.au/services-information/elder-abuse-what-ithttps://www.seniorsonline.vic.gov.au/services-information/elder-abuse-what-it
Seniors Rights serviceElder Abuse Information and supporthttps://seniorsrightsservice.org.au/information/elder-abuse/https://seniorsrightsservice.org.au/information/elder-abuse/
Department of Families, Fairness and HousingElder Abuse Information and supporthttps://services.dffh.vic.gov.au/elder-abusehttps://services.dffh.vic.gov.au/elder-abuse

Financial Support





National Debt Helpline

Financial counselling Debt solutions
Information about your rights

1800 007 007




Financial Counselling
Energy Assistance Program
Victims Assistance Program

9731 2500


Better Place Australia

Financial Counselling
Debt management
Financial literacy and budgeting

1800 639 523


Gamblers Help IPC Health

Financial Counselling for anyone impacted directly or indirectly by gambling harm

1300 472 432



Housing and Homelessness Accommodation






Community Housing

03 9689 2777 (9:00am – 5:00pm)



Melbourne City Mission


Supportive, stable and secure long or short-term accommodation.

Adult & Family

Range of support services that ensure that people are supported to achieve stable, secure and appropriate housing.


1800 343 287



Outreach Housing Support program provides outreach support to people living in the Wyndham region aged 16-25 years old who are at risk or experiencing homelessness




Uniting Wyndham

Homelessness early intervention service and Housing support

03 9689 2777


Bolton Clarke

Homeless Persons Program


1300 221 122


WEstJusticeFree legal advice on a broad range of everyday problems.9749 7720https://www.westjustice.org.au/

Mental Health and Support





Suicide Call Back Service


Free counselling 24 hours a day, seven days a week for anyone thinking about suicide anyone worried about someone else or who has lost someone to suicide

1300 659 467






A 24 hour telephone crisis support line, suicide prevention, self-help tool kits and a service finder

13 11 14




Mind Australia


Providing services and people with the skills they need for a full and meaningful life

1300 286 463



Black Dog Institute


A website full of information about mental health with advice on where and when to seek help




Beyond Blue


Support and advice and a website with information, support and encouragement to reach out.

1300 22 4636




Beyond Blue Mental Wellbeing Support ServiceA dedicated website with information, strategies and 24/7 support1800 512 348https://www.beyondblue.org.au/


National telephone and web counselling service for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people, family and friends

1800 184 527


Mindspot Clinic


An online and telephone clinic providing free assessment and treatment services for adults with anxiety or depression

1800 61 44 34






Individual outreach and group-based recovery programs for people aged 16-64 with a mental illness

03 9448 5540




IPC Health

The Mercy Mental Health Team is based at IPC Hoppers Crossing. They provide non-urgent assessment, treatment, case management and support services to people with a mental illness.

8734 1550


Victorian Intake Assessment Service


An enquiry and referral point for people with a psychiatric disability aged 16-64, their carers/family to find and access mental health community support

1300 379 462



Mental Health Foundation Australia 1300 647 287


Mental Health and Support – Women





Jean Hailes


A health organisation providing information and resources on women’s health




 Mental Health and Support – Men





Men’s Line Australia


Telephone and online support, information and referral service

1300 78 99 78




Man Therapy (Beyond Blue)

A toolkit with strategies and links to support



Mental Health and Support – Young People





Kids Helpline



A free and confidential telephone and online counselling for young people aged between 5 and 25 and their parents and carers

1800 55 1800





Online and telephone service supporting young people and their families

1800 650 890




Youth Mental Health

1800 888 320



Social Connection







Friends for good is a volunteer driven non-for-profit org aiming to foster a greater sense of connection and wellbeing for individuals. All conversations are casual and anonymous (this service is not a crisis service) and friendly volunteers are ready to talk about anything and everything. Residents go straight to a volunteer when they call hotline - Calls average around 15 -20 minutes.

1800 424 287




Conversation In IsolationAre you currently in isolation, and would like someone to talk to? We're a group of Victoria-based medical students helping those in our community to stay socially connected in lockdown with regular support over the phone. If you or a friend/family member might like a friendly chat to pass the time, we're here for you!0492 837 888Website: https://convoiniso.com.au/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/convoiniso
Redcross TeleCHATTeleCHAT- Red Cross provides regular telephone calls to people aged over 65 years old or Indigenous people over 55 years who have little or no social connection with other people. Friendly volunteers call participants at an agreed time, generally once a week, for an open ended chat. Participants are matched with volunteers based on their interests, hobbies and availability. Phone calls offer a connection to the community providing regular contact with the same volunteer. People receiving calls speak of the companionship and friendship they feel from having another person to talk with.1800 131 701 or (03) 8346 8342Email:vicinfo@redcross.org.au  

Other Resources

Financial Assistance options for City West Water customers

City West Water financial support programs provide tailored options to customers who need help with their water bill, including payment extensions, flexible payment options and assistance with access to government grants and programs.

They have a dedicated bill help web page with more information about these options for both residents and businesses.

We encourage customers to call our Customer Service Centre on 131 691 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5.00pm) to discuss the option that will best meet their needs right now.

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