Infringement notice with highlight
To view the photos relating to your infringement you will need to enter the following information as shown on your infringement notice:
  • The infringement number
  • The offence date

NOTE: This service is currently only available for parking, building site and land clearance infringements.

View photos

If you have questions regarding viewing photos of your infringement or why photos are not available, your questions may be answered in the FAQs below.

Requesting an Infringement Review

If you would like to request a review of your infringement/s, please follow the advice here


Privacy statement

Why we take photos and how we keep them secure

As an enforcement agency, Wyndham City may collect photographs of vehicles that have received a parking fine for breaching the Road Safety Road Rules 2009 or photographs of offence that are in breach of the Community Amenity Local Law. This is done to document the offence and assist with the subsequent review or prosecution of a fine. While our officers take all reasonable steps to ensure that faces are not captured in photographs, being a busy city this is not always possible.

All information and photographs recorded on enforcement officers’ hand-held PDAs are transferred to a secure environment at the end of their shift, wiping all information off the PDAs. These photographs, collected by Council for the purposes of law enforcement, are typically only accessible to staff who play a role in answering customer or council queries, conducting internal reviews, prosecuting matters at court, administering the infringement lifecycle or auditing officers’ collection of evidence. We have decided to extend this access to infringement recipients (or their authorised representative) to help them determine what action to take to resolve their fine. The photographs will not be made available outside of these processes unless required or authorised by law.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my search displaying an error?

If you received the fine today or yesterday, the officer’s photos may not have been loaded onto our system yet. This can take up to 3 days, after which time you should be able to search for photos.

Otherwise, double check that:

  • your infringement relates to parking, building site or land clearance
  • you are correctly entering your infringement notice number and the date of issue exactly as shown on the fine.

Why can’t I see any photos for my infringement?

This service is currently only available for parking, building site and land clearance infringements.

Photos are not always taken by officers when issuing fines. If the infringement details (such as time, date, location) are showing without any photos, it is most likely that the officer has not taken any photos on this occasion.  Please note, Council does not make all images available (for example, some photographs taken around schools and children are not available for viewing).

What if the building site photos are not loading

Please send a request for the photos to be directly emailed to you, at  and include the relevant infringement number(s) of the fine you want the photos for.

Are officers required to take photos when issuing fines?

Officers are not required to take photographs by law. Therefore, a fine remains valid if there are no photos or inconclusive photos (for example, a blurry photo or a photo taken after dark).

Photos are often taken to document the offence and assist with the subsequent review or prosecution of a fine.

Whether photos are taken or not, officers’ conduct a thorough assessment before issuing a fine, including checking the vehicle for a correctly displayed parking permit and checking the parking sign.

What if the vehicle in the photo is not mine?

If you believe there has been a case of mistaken identity, you’ll need to request a review and our team will look into it for you.

Are photos of my car allowed to be published online?

Viewing of the photos is restricted and requires both the infringement notice number and the date of issue to be correctly entered in order to view the photos. The photographs themselves have captured details that are available to the general public walking past your car in the street, such as the parking sign and your vehicle registration number. Other enforcement agencies around Australia also make their infringement-related photographs available online.

How do you keep the photos secure?

Our privacy statement above explains why we take photos and how we keep them secure.

Why is the 'issue time' different from the 'offence time'?

The offence time is when the offence was deemed to have occurred. For example, if an officer arrives in an area at 10.05am, they might determine that a parking offence occurred at 10.06am after checking the vehicle and relevant parking sign.

The issue time is when the officer finished inputting all of the relevant information into their hand-held device and issued the infringement.

The colour, make or model of my car is incorrect. What should I do?

You don’t need to do anything. These are not details that need to be legally captured by parking officers, so any slight discrepancies (such as ‘maroon’ instead of ‘red’) will not impact the fine.

If you haven't found the answers to your questions, you can call us on 9742 0777 to discuss.

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