A petition or joint letter is a request from members of the public for information or action in relation to a particular matter.
Rules applying to Petitions and Joint Letters
Written Petitions
A written petition or joint letter to Council must be in accordance with Division 9, Rule 56 of Council’s Governance Rules which contains other rules about how Petitions and Joint Letters are handled during Council Meetings. A sample written petition is located here.
Electronic/Online Petitions
In accordance with Clause 56.8 of the Governance Rules, electronic or online petitions must contain the full name and email address of each petitioner.
Please note that as Change.org will not release the email address of signatories as per their privacy policy, these petitions are not considered valid under the Governance Rules.
Petitions or Joint Letters can be hand delivered to Customer Service at the Civic Centre, 45 Princes Highway, Werribee during office hours or emailed to governance@wyndham.vic.gov.au
Responses to Petitions and Joint Letters
If a petition or joint letter is signed by more than 15 people, it is noted and recorded in the minutes at a Council Meeting and unless a response can be provided by the CEO at that time, the petition or joint letter is forwarded by the CEO to the appropriate Director for action. A report is then presented to a subsequent Council Meeting, including Council’s response.
If a petition or joint letter is signed by less than 15 people, the petition or joint letter will be forwarded by the CEO to the appropriate member of Council staff for action and a response.
For further information or assistance please email governance@wyndham.vic.gov.au or call us on 1300 023 411.
This information can be translated by contacting Translating and Interpreting Services on 131 450 and asking to be connected to Wyndham City on 1300 023 411.
Related documents
- Governance Local Law 2020.pdf (PDF, 1.03 MB)
- Governance Rules (PDF, 3.07 MB)