The Active Wyndham Strategy seeks to ensure that all members of our community are supported and empowered to reach health and wellbeing goals through physically activity.
As part of the Wyndham 2040 Vision, the community outlined their aspiration to be connected and to have opportunities to stay fit and healthy through leisure facilities like pools and gyms, clubs, lesser known sports, walking and cycling. As part of this Vision, Council proposed the development of sport and recreation that increase(s) access for all members of the community.
The Active Wyndham Strategy, which supersedes the Wyndham Leisure Strategy (2013), is Council’s overarching, long-term strategy that will guide future priorities and key directions of providing diverse and adequate physical and recreational activity opportunities for the Wyndham community. This would enable the community to access, explore and enjoy facilities and programs for physical activities regardless of location, age, culture, gender, ability, or affordability.
As Wyndham continues to grow and change, the Active Wyndham Strategy will accommodate this, ensuring that all members of the community are supported and empowered to reach their health and wellbeing goals through physical activity, whether it is formal organised sport or informal activities including play, walking, cycling or exercise.